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Edit: Android version is up! Check the release notes for a bit of information regarding it, I've been working to correct some minor issues with the Android version

Whew! For a little bit there I thought I might make a liar out of myself by not getting this out by midnight tonight. Apparently, I'm still underestimating how badly my new anxiety meds are slowing me down by making me super foggy. Hopefully it gets better soon or I'm going to have to throw them back at the doc and tell them they made everything worse instead of better...

Anyway! Build 18 is here! Three new events for Arianna, and three for Talia. Eleven new animations in total, plus two replacement animations for old content (though one of them is a little messed up and is going to get replaced again -_-). Given that a couple of the scenes are pretty involved, it's actually quite a sizable build. Which hopefully makes up a bit for it being a couple of days late. Anyway, you can check out more details on what has been added in the Release notes. For now, links!













Build 18 Release Notes:

This build focused on finishing up the weekday content for Arianna's Week 6, as well as getting the first 3 days of Talia's content done for the same week. Along with some other bits and bobs.

  • Arianna's Week 6 Day 3, 4 and 5 are done

  • Talia's Week 6 Day 1, 2, and 3 are done

  • The Spanking animations for the Mira/Trix/Revina Scavenger Hunt have been replaced with something less horrible. The animation of the MC being spanked if final. The one of Trix being spanked is not as I didn't notice a physics issue until it was too late. That one will be replaced again in Build 19 (most likely)

  • A LOT of types in the first four weeks of the game have been fixed. Like, seriously a lot of them. Thanks goes to Jaike, for helping me find a lot of them.

  • Gallery and Credits have both been updated. 

  • Android Release improvements! A couple of issues with the android release have been brought to my attention recently. One of them (regarding the cheats) is still an issue for the moment. But the other big one was fixed in this build. Specifically, it is now possible to properly 'hide' the textbox/window so that you can gaze on the sexy things happening on screen! I tied the command to a 'gesture.' Swiping 'down' on the screen will hide the textbox now, just like hitting H would on the PC/Linux/Mac versions. Just because I could, I also made it so that swiping 'Up' will open the Menu! Don't hesitate to let me know of other issues. I don't really test the Android version, so I might simply be unaware of them as I was with this one!



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