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Ugh, not a lovely title huh? Don't worry, this is one of my delays. Meaning a couple of days at worst, not like a week or something. Obviously, since everything else is already out this month, the notice is about the Left Hand Magic release. I'm 100% sure it's not going to be done by midnight on the 30th. I'm about...50% sure? Yeah, I'd say it's 50/50 if it will be released on the 1st or the 2nd.

As for what happened? I'm afraid this is follow on effect from one of the appointments I mentioned in my last Progress Report. My doctor assigned me an anti-anxiety med to use over the next couple of months, since I've been sort of spiraling about the medical stuff that's been going on since February. I've been on that sort of thing before, but it's been...4 or 5 years? Something like that.

Anyway, long story short, meds like that tend to fuck you up a little bit for the first 1-3 weeks you're on them. It hasn't been too bad, but my sleep cycle is completely screwy and I've been mentally foggy/dragging quite a bit. The net result was that I simply haven't been able to keep up with my normal tempo.

I was actually on schedule until I started the new meds. Now, I'm a couple of days behind. Currently, I'm just finishing up the post processing for all the renders/animations. I should be able to knock out the majority of the coding tonight as well. But then I'll need at least 2 days for the writing and another for the editing/testing. That means the absolute soonest it might be out is early morning on the 1st. Personally, I wouldn't bet on it being out until the evening of the 1st. Unless something goes really wrong, I don't see it taking longer than the evening of the 2nd at the longest.

So, minor delay, sorry about that folks. But...well...life happens. And mine has been sort of beating the crap out of me for the last several months.




No worries, take care of yourself m8


Just keeping taking care of yourself, things happen in life, just glad you're taking the meds if you and the doctor think you need to be!