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Alright! I'm getting this out as quickly as possible (or near enough to that), because the winner of the Short Story Poll requires a follow up poll. I'll talk about that in it's own section, though. For now, let's take them in order:

Left Hand Magic Focus Poll

I honestly thought we were going to end up with a tie, right up until almost the last minute. Talia and Trix were in a deadlock through the majority of the poll, only for someone to tip the scales in the last day! Not that it matters too much, as both of them are likely to get their content in this build. Anyway, the ending results were:


Talia - 36%

Trix - 32%

Arianna - 23%

Revina - 9%


This, then, also becomes the order of priority I'll work on them in. Currently, with how things are going, I suspect I'll only get through Talia and Trix's Event 5 content. In addition to the remainder of the Arianna/Talia Threesome Route's weekdays, of course. Which will still, with what I'm planning, give us around 12 animations. So, honestly, a fairly typical builds size. Sort of. As I said, I'm doing something a little different with Event Set 5. 

As for why there isn't much chance of me getting farther than that? Frankly, even aside from the moderate crisis that got sprung on me at the end of last week, costing me some time and mental stability, the current set of animations is also sort of kicking my rendering PC's ass. It's going to take 30+ hours to work through just one animation (currently ongoing), and I'm expecting the second animation of the set (which are for Day 4 of Arianna/Talia Week 5) to be just as bad.

For reference, most animations usually only take between 8-14 hours. So these two are major outliers, despite me doing everything I could (short of damaging their quality) to trim the render time down. Outliers that are causing an additional slowdown on top of the life-related problems that hit me last week. Ugh. When it rains it pours, I guess? Hopefully it doesn't drown my poor GPU in the process of all that rain. Originally, upgrading to a new card was in the cards for this year. With recent events, that's pretty much not going to happen, though. That crisis that got dropped on me is looking to cost me 4 to 5 thousand dollars T-T by the time it's dealt with entirely. And I'm sort of poor as heck to start with. Trying to make a living doing this, plus a bit of contract work, hasn't exactly been lucrative. So...crossing my fingers the GPU doesn't fold on me after 2+ years of riding it hard?

Mixed Media Short

This one was pretty straightforward. No one voted for A Bet Maid, so it came down to just The Virtual Trap or the next Cara Loft story...


The Virtual Trap: 67%

Cara Loft: The Seal of Kukaco: 33%


As you can see, The Virtual Trap won with a 2/3rds majority. I'm not particularly surprised, given that last month was a tie between these two and the second Cara Loft was a little weaker than the first, I think. Honestly, it will be good to get back to The Virtual Trap, as it's been a few months since that story got an update! We've left poor Ellie hanging!

Short Story Poll

Alright! This one both did and didn't surprised me! For reasons beyond my comprehension, The Starship Promise has been nipping at the heels of the victor for the last several months. I'm honestly not sure where the surge of interest came from, given it's been a long time since the story got an update, but I don't hate it! Anyway, the results:


The Starship Promise: 86

The Dungeon Town (Challenge Room): 50

An App for That: 30

Andrea of the Silver Key: 16

The Ruler's Companion: 15

Eros Academy: 11

Alyia and the Magic Shop: 10


Honestly what did surprise me was the degree by which The Starship Promise story won! It came close to utterly dominating, with only Dungeon Town giving it a serious race. Apparently, you guys, gals and others really wanted to see it updated :-p. It's also, as I said at the top of the post, a story that requires a follow up poll. I had promised to let voters get a say in what the Security Experts kink would be!

 That poll will start later today (likely this evening) and run only through midnight of the 15th by necessity. I need time to actually write the story, after all! Thankfully, I did see the writing on the wall and have already produced a render to give the voters a sneak peek at the new girl. So the only reason for the delay in posting until tonight is so that the new poll doesn't bury the rest of the results....


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