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Alright everyone. First, an apology. I'd intended to do this post, as a sort of 'what this month will look like,' a few days ago. Unfortunately, life almost literally kicked me in the teeth unexpectedly, and I've been struggling not to drown a bit under the unexpected wave of problems and a bit of an unexpected financial crisis. I won't go into that, no point depressing myself all over again, or depressing any of you by proxy. Suffice it to say that I've lost some time/progress to having to deal with medical issues I wasn't expecting to pop up and leave it at that.

Next, just something minor to mention, and part of why I was originally going to bring this up a few days ago. Some of you probably already noticed the minor changes to the Patreon Tiers. Most of you, in fact, may have gotten alerts about your tier information changing. Honestly? It's all pretty minor and I doubt any of it really caught anyone off guard. It was pretty much entirely just me adjusting the tiers to remove mentions of Haven's Port now that it's finished (and in one case, Chastity Quest, which I somehow missed the last time I did that sort of pruning O.O).

Practically speaking, the only thing that actually changed is that there is now only a 1-month delay on public releases of Left Hand Magic. Essentially, I'm releasing both a public and private version every month, rather than making people wait. With the public release being only a single build behind the Patron release. That does meant that one of the benefits from the $3 tier is gone, since it gave access to whichever game had updated the previous month sooner (1 month versus 2 months). But I honestly don't think very many people were using it that way, particularly as I never really drew attention to that feature when I altered access each month to grant that reward. The $3 tier is honestly mostly for early access to the short story releases and right to vote in that particular poll.

Now, enough of that! Onward to the more normal Progress Report stuff. Obviously, the polls don't wrap up until tomorrow, so I can't say much about the short story or MMS. But, as always, I've already been digging into the other stuff...

Left Hand Magic

Ugh. So, the ass-kicking that life has given me has resulted in me losing a full day of progress (over the course of several). This means I'm not quite as far along as I'd hoped and planned to be. That said, I have made progress. I've got the stills and the first animation done for Day 3 of the Arianna/Talia Week 5 threesome route. Hopefully, the second animation for Day 3 will be running as I sleep in a few hours, which will finish off Day 3. I'd hoped to get both Day 3 and Day 4 done before the polls finished up. As is, I'm expecting to only get half of Day 4 done before that happens.

A setback, but not a huge one. Given that I'm going to lose a bit more time to the life-giving-me-asskickings next week, there's a possibility of the build size shrinking a bit. I'll do my best not to have that happen, but I can't pretend it's not a possibility. There's a reason I often add that caveat of 'unless something horrible/beyond my control happens.' Events like my current issues are that reason. Shit happens, but I'll do my best to keep it from negatively impacting release schedules. You definitely shouldn't expect a lot of extras this month. I may, for example, end up putting off the improvements to the cheat system until next month. As much as that annoys me. We'll see. This is a 31 day month, so there's enough time I may be able to recover and get back on track.


As always, these are already rendered. It's virtually always one of the first things I do in the month, as it's a low intensity project I can ease back into after the release-crunch stress. Also as always, I will probably end up procrastinating doing the post processing and type setting for them until around mid-month -_-...


That's it for now. The next post will likely be on the 11th, after the Poll Results are in!



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