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EDIT: Tweaked Sylvia's nipple (lol!) placement (aw.) and added some more detail to her hair. 

Out of 125 pages, panel three here may be one of the only gratuitous body shots in this whole thing that features a man instead of a woman.  It's more than a little unbalanced I suppose, as I imagine not all of my readers are exclusively into girls.  The visual bias towards women in the comic is pretty much just because I can't help myself.  Women have always been my favorite thing to draw, and that's a big part of why I got into this business in the first place. 

Meanwhile I figure the abrupt scene change may raise some questions.  This chapter has been pretty sex-heavy so far, but Sylvia will get a chance to do some talking as soon as her mouth isn't full. Oddly enough I really struggled with getting her massive breasts to look natural in this pose. Let me know if you guys think they look right. Well, as right as they can anyhow. 




Bout time the big boob milf got the gangbang she deserves! 😂


Dang, SOMEONE'S on the rebound


Oh yeah... they look right, they look so right... Also I feel jealous and angry that all my girls are being stolen by jerks in chapter it seems.


I love the hard cut to sex and a totally different scenario, always been one of my favorites! And as far as the look of her breasts is concerned I can see why you were having an issue with it. I think it's the nipple placement. That seems to be an incredibly hard thing to pull off and to me it looks like her left one (from our perspective) is a bit off kilter.


Holy shitballs, this is a SEXY shot of Sylvia. Actually, this is the hottest I've ever seen her look. Normally speaking, she's the least-appealing female character in "Switch" to me- her boobs are just TOO ostentatiously-huge (the Bria/Casey class is usually as big as I'll go before it's too over-the-top), the hair doesn't grab me (as I've noted before, I didn't notice how sexy her "type" was until I saw you draw it as a brunette... and green-skinned :)), and she looks too young to fit my "MILF" fetish. But a shot like THIS, where she's just CONSUMING dick like nothing else, her hair is spilling all over the place, and her huge breasts look a little more... contained, I guess? THAT definitely works for me. Oh, and I don't mind the dude up top. I can appreciate a well-drawn image of a dude, even if he's sporting wood that puts MINE to shame. The guy looks... supremely confident, and his eyes are actually rather eye-catching since it's such a contrast from the rest of him. Hm, looks like Sylvia's been up to some hanky-panky since her separation, and making up for lost time. I wonder if one of these guys could be Casey's dad (one of the big mysteries of "Switch").


Yummy :)

Devin Dickie

That is a sexy woman!!! man is she stacked!!!


I've been waiting to see Sylvia have sex with someone other than Royce but damn I didn't expect to see her getting gangbanged. Looks like she wasted no time after her separation. ScuzzBucket may be onto something. Could the blonde guy be Casey's father, he seems important.


I love everything about this page so far, keep up the great work!

Bob Fink

This is so awesome, I love to see Sylvia getting the shit banged out of her, and her massive boobs look great! The only thing that would make this better is for her to be air tight :D

Lord Washington

I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess Mr. Blonde there is Casey's father.


Yeah I may move that nipple a little more to the right today before I post this elsewhere.


Not sure what I'm going to say when people ask about him at HF or Tumblr. On one hand, I don't want to spell it out for readers that it didn't occur to and want to be surprised. But on the other hand yes it's totally her dad.


He certainly is! As I told Scuzzbucket I'm debating whether or not to tell commenters that he's casey's dad. Is it so obvious I shouldn't bother keeping it secret until he spells it out?


He sure is! I tried to give him a very familiar look on his face. :)


Wow, I didn't see this coming at all, and I don't mean the outcome of Sylvia's misadventures, but the fact that you effectively made this scene a Bond villain delighting while the hero(ine) is tortured by his minions as he explains his master plan while preparing to deal the final blow. Don't get me wrong though, I absolutely adore the page (especially the last panel, for obvious reasons), it's just that the composition is so surprising!


It certainly is a little different as far as my usual scene set ups I'll admit. But I'm glad you like how it came out and I hope the scene keeps your interest. :)


That explains why Royce is out the picture, Daddies back, snaps his fingers and boom?


Pretty close, but there's a bit more to it than that. Hope you stick around and see how it goes! :)