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Holly is one of those girls who can't go five minutes without taking a selfie on her phone.  She's bubbly, energetic, and, above all else, dramatic.  There is rarely any middle ground with her.  Everything is always the best thing ever or the end of the world. 

Like Lydia, Holly recently transferred from another school.  But while Lydia looks down her nose at her new peers, Holly is in a mad dash to become as popular as possible before she graduates.  And her plan is going well. Not only does she possess a natural charm, but she also isn't afraid to trade sex for favors toward achieving her social goals.  She does whatever it takes to get invited to every party.  Unhealthy as this behavior may sound on paper, Holly doesn't see it that way.  She just considers herself very ambitious, and  ready to work for what she wants.   

What do you guys think? As always I'd love the feedback. :D




I really love her look, especially the wild looking hair. Isn't her personality basically the same as Abbey's? I thought being popular and liked by everyone was all Abbey cared about.

Bob Fink

Well in my book you have a real winner here, she is so beautiful, sexy and without inhibitions and looks good wearing a facial :D. So she has my vote :D


oh, my- Holly is cute as fuck. The braces make her look adorable, and THOSE BREASTS!! Love how you draw the "little" perky ones.


I like the prospect of her sexual proclivities not being perceived as negative even when she uses them to her advantage. She also looks kind of like a cheerful Hermione in the above image lol.


Wow, she's adorable!


That's true. The fact is that out of all the characters, Abbey is the one I've flip-flopped the most with as far as what I want to do with her. I think it's no coincidence that she's also appeared the least in the actual comic, so I feel like nothing is really set in stone with her yet. Abbey won't be drastically different in the new comic, but I think she'll be different enough that I could get away with trading some of her original traits with other characters.


She'd probably still be considered "busty" by real life standards lol.


I suppose she does! I don't know why but I've always found the big hair look to be hot.


Wow, she looks great, i love the way you drew the hair, it's pretty wild and sexy. Also, her braces give her an 'innocent' air. :D


Thanks! She's one of the few truly sunny personalities I have in mind, so I wanted her look to reflect that. :)


I like her happy go lucky attitude and appearance in the image. I guess unlike Liz, the dramatic side of Holly's personality must really make the sex she's having seem amazing and out of this world with how she'll get into it. At least she's willing to "work" for the position and status she feels comfortable in at school. I wonder if she'll become Abby's friend at some point?


Maybe! They certainly have a thing or two in common, though Abbety's goons might get jealous lol.