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Hey guys hope you liked this mini comic! As I said before I had a lot of fun with this and was thrilled to have a chance to expand the Switch universe with this commission. I've got more comic projects in the works and you'll see them here when they're finished. :)




Oh MY! Such a normal, innocent-looking girl beforehand, and NOW look at her! She sure seems to have jumped into bed fast- what a wonderful plot twist :).


Please, it's ALWAYS the innocent-looking ones that are the biggest freaks.


Great page. I'm just bummed we missed all the fun with Katie. I would have been loved to see two or three more pages of them going at it.


Hey thanks I'm glad you think so. But as the saying goes you should always leave them wanting more. And this may not be the last you see of the characters. ;)

Bob Fink

As if this story hasn't been exciting enough, with Katie turning out to be just as big a slut as Eve ;), now it sounds like Casey is about to join in on the party and maybe even an appearance by Switch ;)


Well if you remember how chapter 7 went, Casey is about to be busy throwing punches in a catfight at this point lol. Maybe they can all hook up another time! :)


¡Oh my god! I think i have a new favorie character, Katie is so hot. I really hop ewe can see more o her in the future...


Glad you like her! As for her return it may be tricky as she doesn't belong to me. But you may see characters like her in the future. ;)