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This month's sketch for Kaldonis.  As a lifelong gamer this was a fun one for me, as we have Blaze from Streets of Rage on the left and Tyris from Golden Axe on the right.  In the Sega Genesis vs. Super Nintendo war in the 90's I sided with Sega.  I was just a kid, how was I supposed to know I was missing out on Zelda?  Anyhow while I could personally take or leave Golden Axe, (it's one of those games like Double Dragon where I'm just kind of scratching my head wondering why so many people consider it a classic,) I LOVE Streets of Rage, to like, an unhealthy degree.  I consider Streets of Rage 2 to be one of the top 5 games ever made, and if Sega decided to produce an HD remake of any kind I'd just email them my bank account number and tell them to take whatever they felt was fair. 




NICE. Tyris was one of my early "Girlfriends", such as a 10-year old can have them :). As for Golden Axe's popularity, it's pretty simple- you got to stab things, then burn them alive with magic. That the game was pretty unbalanced (all YouTube playthroughs consist of the guy jumping on a monster and then easily beating everything, and spamming the Spells on Death Adder) didn't matter, especially since kids were pretty terrible at it anyways. Kids just wanted to stab & burn. The D&D Capcom games were a thousand times better with the same general concept.

Bob Fink

WOW, these two are very hot together, not sure who would come out on top, he he ... That's a pretty serious like of that game, lol


I like where this is going..

Trekkie Monster

Reinbach, if you're into urban beat-em-up's by Sega, check out the Yakuza series. Yakuza 0 just came out for PS4 and is a great starting point that doesn't require prior knowledge of the franchise's ridiculous backstory. Also, the collectibles are business cards belonging to Japanese porn actresses.


You know I may do just that because I always wanted to try the series but the older ones are on the pricey side.


Now we just need that blonde with the whip from Streets of Rage to show up...


Oh yeah, my top five has some rotations here and there, (though Super Metroid, Chrono Trigger, and whatever Zelda game I decide is best at the moment are always my top 3,) Streets of Rage 1 and 2 will always be favorites of mine.


If only those D&D games had made their way to consoles back in the day. I agree that the Golden Axe series wasn't "bad" per se, (well, the third game was,) I just remember it being on the frustrating side is all.


Oh dear, I remember, in my teens, taking screenshots of Golden Axe from early emulators and dusting pixels to better visualize Tyris nude, good times! Thanks for the lovely trip down memory lane, Reinbach.


I was too poor to afford a console back then so streets of rage is cool and all, but my childhood memories were of golden axe and double dragon. This was back in the days before arcades were corrupted of ticket machines to turn kids into gamblers lol. You walk in the entrance of the arcade and feel the pinball machines create a roar begging you to play them and then the double dragon theme song hits you from afar (good times). As for golden axe, its cool, just throwing your magic pots in the air and killing everything on screen was so awesome :)


Oh yeah Golden Axe wasn't all bad. And yeah I miss arcades myself, the atmosphere was one of a kind. They still have a few big ones out there, and I'd love to take a trip to one someday.