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I think Kal here officially has more stamina than any other male yet in the Switch universe, as before now I don't think I've ever shown a guy come twice in a row and keep going. Though he's also one of the younger males yet depicted.  Makes sense he'd have more energy I suppose.




Fuck this girl is sexy as shit. Really nice work with all the tats- I know from experience how much work not only designing them is, but how hard it is to do them REPEATEDLY. I mean, they have to be consistent, similarly-lined, and more... and even Photoshop won't help you when they change positions or even turn slightly. I like how they're uncolored- I'm not normally one for a tattooed lady, but markings like this, that leave the skin still "bare"... THAT I can get in to. They kind of give her this really dirty, nasty vibe that I REALLY like.


Damn that girl has stamina. Wish I lasted as long as Kal and her lol. Will there be more specials involving the lovely Jane and/or Courtney perhaps?


Well this one was a commission , but I definitely have been kicking around some ideas for Monday stories featuring Jane and the other new girls. :)


Glad you like the tattoos, fortunately I had a trick to speed things up: I drew them all out of a separate document, then copied, pasted, and warped them to fit her body in each panel.

Bob Fink

I think Eve may have met her match here ;) Kal may just wear her out.