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Tali wins the vote this week! Hope this isn't too much of a spoiler showing her face.  Not that it was a huge reveal in the game, I remember thinking, "Oh wow, she looks 90% like a typical hot human woman! What a surprise!" Mass Effect seems to follow the Star Trek ideal when it comes to supposedly alien females, in that they all look like sexy humans except for one small physical abnormality that absolutely would not get in the way of fucking her.  Am I complaining?  Nah, not really. 

I was a big fan of the Mass effect trilogy, Garrus and Tali here became two of my favorite characters in the history of video game fiction.  I would have certainly gone with Tali as a romance option, but that was impossible for my totally gay female Shepard, so I went with Liara.  I tried playing as a male Shepard first actually.  But, (and I know I'm the minority here) I couldn't stand his voice actor.  To me he just sounded like someone doing an intentionally bad Superman impression and I couldn't get used to it.  Upon checking out the female counterpart and finding she was voiced by Jennifer Hale, one of the greatest voice actresses ever and we're going to get married on a mountain someday and you're all invited, my choice was clear.  I was playing a duck-lipped, red-headed lesbian commando for the whole trilogy.  Here's looking forward to the upcoming sequel!  




You know it's funny, I actually ended up playing a duck lipped, red headed male Shepard for my entire playthrough. While his voice did irk form time to time I really wanted to romance Tali, Miranda, and the other ladies that came out in later games so I stuck with it. If you haven't seen the videos of it you should definitely look up the Tali romance. It's really satisfying and surprisingly endearing. No real hanky panky though lol.


Hey, I'm with you 100% on the VA thing, Mark Meer was really underwhelming. I played FemShep he whole way through, though mine was more like Heather from Silent Hill 3. I was disappointed in the Tali reveal as well, I'd seen some cool fanart that had her looking a lot more, well, alien, and it all beat what we got out of the park. Hopefully Andromeda will have more weird-looking aliens to waifuize. I wanna see people conflicted over what they find hot.


Oh I hear you, luckily I was able to watch her scenes during a roommate's play through and they were indeed adorable.


Hey me too, so far I've only seen familiar races previewed but I also don't want to see too much media before I play the game so I haven't seen much. Hey fun fact: I just learned today that Bioware got a lot of crap because the Tali reveal pic at the end of ME3 was actually a stock photo off the internet doctored slightly in Photoshop to make the model look mildly alien. Now that's just lazy lol.


TALI! MY BAE! Aw man, this is AWESOME!


They totally should have had a three-boobed chick in that series. Hey, have you ever drawn a three-boobed chick before? THERE's an idea!


I always picked Tali as my romance option in ME2 and 3 when i found out i could. While my female Shepard stuck with Liara since I couldn't romance Miranda or Jack as her. One of my favorite things about Tali was her dancing in the Citadel DLC. I'm hoping for another romancable female Quarian in Mass Effect Andromeda. Tali is looking great in this bust image! She looking quite sexy with all that cum on her bare breasts and mask. Nice adding the slight mark features about her eyes and having them have a low blue glow.


Thanks! I think my favorite Tali scene was when she was drunk in ME3. I'll be taking another shot at a male character in the new game for sure, just to keep my hot alien options as open as possible.

Bob Fink

She's very mysterious and hot, and wears her paint job well ;)


Thanks! I have to say this is one of the more unique facials I've drawn lol.