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Hey gang, time for a general status update as to what's been going on around here!

First and foremost, I wanted to share the image above to give you an idea as to what I've been working on in regards to the visual novel recently. After I finished all the major artwork for the ending a couple months ago, I've since been working to update all the character models that I felt needed updating...which was 90% of them. I've also been going through and smoothing out the rough edges on the comic panel scenes, though they won't be getting the same level of overhaul as the base models here in the interest of this game getting released before 2030.

Speaking of release, Kal and I are planning for just that occasion. The aim is to release a rough version of the finale this fall. It won't have the final layer of polish we want, such as revised dialog (mainly a pass to catch my many grammatical errors) and full musical placement, but it should be solid enough for anyone who just wants to see how this story ends already.

Once the full polished release is complete, the plan is to offer it here at the base tier for a limited time before bumping it up to the $10 tier, which is the price we plan to sell it for on digital storefronts. Basically, the idea is to keep it at $1 for long enough that you guys who supported it during its actual development don't have to pay extra for the full release.

As for the comic, not much to say outside of what you're already seeing. I'm excited to start the next scene, though a little anxious that I have to draw water for it. (How have I been drawing smutty comics for so long and never had to do a hot tub before now?)

I've just taken the last job on my 2021 commission list, which means it will be time to start a new one soon. I'll be making further announcements on the Discord server, as access to the new list will still be exclusive to that tier. If the gate keeping sounds obnoxious, please keep in mind that the last list I started was also Discord exclusive and it took me over a full year to get through it. I'll go into details on the server when the time comes, but if you were thinking of bumping up your pledge just for access, a quick disclaimer: a place on the list does not guarantee a commission. Time goes by, my life changes, I can't say for sure I'll get to every name before I find myself in a position where I simply can't make room for commissions anymore. Another thing to keep in mind is that my price for a single character is $120, plus $60 for every additional one, which some have found to be on the pricey side. That said, if you want to join the server for whatever reason, even non-commission-access related, we'd love to have you.

And that's the big stuff in regards to work! As for me personally, it's a hectic time. I have to move soon. Again. Been quite some time since I was able to stay in the same place for more than a year, hopefully I can settle somewhere more permanent this time. Somewhere with internet that doesn't totally suck would be ideal. I miss being able to play FF14 without fear of getting lagging out at a crucial moment. Trying to cut back on booze and junk food and waiting to get to the part where I feel amazing and not just kinda cranky all the time. Above all else I'm thankful for the support of anyone reading this right now. Hope you all had a good week, and if you have any questions here you know where to find me.




Are the newer models pictured shorter? :(

Squid Hills

Thanks for the update. Good luck with the move; those are never fun.


Looking at the new models is a bit jarring to be honest, but I'm sure I'll grow to love them as much as the originals! I would just ask that you take particular care with Jane, you absolutely nailed the "big but athletic" look with her. Whatever you do, looking forward to seeing the final results!


I'd love to drop my name in to get another commission if possible. though I've never really gone on discord much. I'm back in that tier though. any chance I could throw my name in the hat?


Just these two mainly, since Parker and Lydia are supposed to be short and yet I drew their torsos 6 feet long for some reason initially.


Obviously you should have made everyone else taller to adjust.


I'll make an announcement there after I finish the last commission on the old list, probably within a week or two at the very most. When I do, I'll ask for PM's on the server itself just so I have all the requests in one place to refer back to.


Thus may be a dumb question but how does one get access to said discord server?


Moves suck, especially if done on a tight schedule, I should know, lol... Looking forward to those commissions!


Not dumb at all. You just pledge to the $10 tier right here on the site. As far as I know that gets you in for life lol. As people who have dropped their pledges still seem to have access. XD


I may be in the minority here but I think I liked Parker's and Lydia's faces more before. Parker's insofar as there are pixie-ish elements to Parker's original face that to me strengthen her adorable "innocence." And with Lydia, the stronger lines of her original face told me that she was a bit of a hardass and not to be trifled with. I'm not saying that there was no room for improvement, just that I think your original character designs had elements which were perfect for those characters. That goes for pretty much all of your character designs - when combined with how you capture body language, they really help tell a story without a single word spoken.


I agree with Rascal. I’ve been a fan for a few years now and it feels like in the past year or so your style has changed towards bigger boobs, shinier skin, and more “bimbo-ey” faces. Nothing wrong with that necessarily, but I kinda liked the old style better personally.


Just to throw my voice in, the old ones are good, the new ones are good; Lydia's new outfit shows more skin but also feels less like it's going to fall off at any second


Interesting feedback here! It's hard to see the new ones as anything but an improvement from my perspective, since I felt the originals looked kind of stretched into tall heights that didn't suit them, I felt Lydia's face was too long and Parker's eyes were too far apart. But I'll admit the new looks are drastic enough that I could see others favoring the originals. For what it's worth, none of the other models got overhauled as extensively as these two.


I think the "pixie look" mentioned is really just down to Parker's mouth, it's in a bit more of an 'o' shape in the old model that it's lost in the new one. It made her look sorta... perpetually curious?


Both Lydias look disgusted with me in different ways and I'm here for it.