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For those of you who know anything about putting on/taking off kendo gear: for what it's worth, I initially attempted authentic presentation. I must have watched a Youtube video showing a guy putting all that hardware on a dozen times before I realized that there was no way I could smush the process into a single page without it getting in the way. I'm going to say that Elianna can afford custom gear that snaps away quickly. XD

Anyhow, scene complete! Thanks for sticking with me through all this character-heavy stuff. I'd swear it's always those scenes that take longer than I expect, but I know damn well that the smutty scenes tend to spill over just as easily. Speaking of which, we're jumping into a very smut-heavy scene next week featuring some characters we haven't seen in awhile! :)



Jariah Synn

When are they doing the bedtime tango?!?! The suspense is deleting me


I love huge Japanese breasts

Lord of Nightmares

For what it's worth, their is kendo armour that can be removed quickly these days. Velcro ftw.


I think I would be unfocused too. Giant boobs tend to do that. Maybe Elianna should level the playing field and pop hers out.


Not a bad way to wrap up the chapter, not bad at all!


She’s such a dedicated boobies. I mean she’s such a boobies servant. I mean; dedicated servant. Boobs.


Well, now we know. I still think it feels odd to have Elianna distracted by tits when you'd think that her constant exposure (pun intended) to Tenma's tits would make them less powerful over time. It's not like she ever hides them, thanks to the uniform policy. Plus, she is capable of ignoring them when thinking about other things, like now. But I'm going to guess its a situational thing. Either related to anime or she just wasn't expecting it.


The way I pictured it, Elianna can normally just try to not look at Tenma's chest. But I figured a kendo match would be a situation where it was impossible to ignore, what with her having to watch for subtle body movements to anticipate a strike.


Depending on how much time has past since we last saw them together, that was a brand new policy. So maybe hasn't gotten used to it just yet.

Vylon Delta

As much as I (try to) respect opinions different from my mine, I am REALLY looking forward to Elianna becoming corrupted. Maybe even becoming a slutty gyaru in true anime fashion.

Alejandro Garcia

I really really want Temma to end up in some way with Eli


Assuming Elianna isn't already a blond*e* dying her her hair black for the Japanese aesthetic.

Alex Barton

Damn, I like the way Slaughterbug thinks... LOL I *loved* this page: sweetly loving, clever and witty...perfect!