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Sooo if it makes you want to kill me a little less, I do have some Kayden stuff lined up in the future. Not going to lie, I thought it was more clear than it was that Kayden's proposal was less than trustworthy based off Derek's suspicious reaction. I generally don't troll my audience this hard on purpose, for what it's worth. 

Anyhow I wanted to read the room, and I certainly did that! As of this writing the response to him on that last page is 100% positive. Looks like what I had in mind for him deserves to get bumped up in scope and release schedule. :)




lol Now i want to read Eliana's book, and now i have the motivatin to download an d catchup with the VN!!

Darryl Williams

It is the only 'smoking hot girl' he would trust, after all, so it is to be expected.




Interesting contrast between Elianna's teary face in the first panel and the "THOU SHALT NOT" in the second one :)

Alex Barton

Am I missing something? I kinda hoped Elianna and Derek were going to get it on? Or maybe Abbey and Courtney? Or anyone with anyone - it's been weeks since Morgan and Warren made love in TRW 243 and we all know how THAT ended... Mr. R, sincerely, I'm begging you, please...?

Chris Davis

Man, those Blue Eyes!!! Why do I get a "Grown-up" Lucy (from Peanuts fame) vibe from Eliana?

Pat Bryant

Something of a callback to Page 1, Panel 1.


I dunno. If you’re killing the cat during sex, that’s a good thing.


Well, she didn't *lie*, just got creative with expectations


I knew he was stringing Derick along


Wait. I forget. Is Kayden in on the Eliana-Derek Entropy Nullification Experiment?


There is always, ALWAYS more porn on the way in TRW. These interludes are about setting up the characters so the sex scenes have some weight to them when they happen. :)


When you say you have something lined up for Kayden I hope it's with the twins since we know they've been going at it for a while (if that pic/story is still canon ofcourse). I think it would be interesting to see how he manages to keep it hidden from Elianna