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If Kayden seems a little out of character here compared to his previous appearances in the comic, that's understandable. The truth is he's pretty different when there are no girls around, as they make him nervous. This has been touched on in the visual novel, but I'm glad for a chance to finally work it in to the main comic. 

Speaking of the VN I imagine a few of you already know what the sexy little show is, but if you don't, I won't spoil it for you here. ;D 




Kayden almost seems like an exercise for you to see how pretty you can make a girl without using T&A.


This is kinda "new" for me because i haven't played the recent builds of the VN, i remember the last thing i did was talk to Raina...si now i'm hyped x1000. I want to know about the show and sure i want to know what will happen to Kayden. And, in fact, he looks so good on that last panel 😭😭


Oof, don't threaten us with a good time mate. A lot of people, myself included, wanna see Kayden on the receiving end of a dick and setup like this is just cruel if it's not gonna happen lol


Kayden this is why you're ranked number one in the list, YOU TOO GOT DAMN CUTE


The details in Kayden's hair in the last panel look *amazing*. The contrast from what you normally do with hair really brings into focus how uncomfortably aware of how close to Kayden Derek is. Or maybe I'm reading too much into it. Either way, great page.

Squid Hills

Derek, this is not a trap, it's an invitation! Also; the *girls* make *Kayden* nervous?! Given the effect he's having on the audience, I'd have assumed that would be the other way 'round! He's stiff competition for most of them.

Jariah Synn

*Throws original "Best Girl" list in the fireplace* I can't find my matches... Whatever! Kayden is now on The List! Also, Derek of you don't kiss that boy right now!


It's only a trap if you don't know exactly what you're in for. Kayden looks great here!


He is! I'm going double time on the feminine mannerisms here for sure. :)


Kayden gets nervous around girls, and, somehow, for reasons probably unrelated, mirrors.🤔


…. Proceed! 🤟


Well it was always going to happen in the future, but especially NOW, didn't expect such a positive response for sure.


An undoubtedly stupid question for Reinbach: Is Gerald a well-known presence at Castlewood? Is he one of the raccoons from the broken sign? Are raccoons just a common occurrence here, or is it only if you have Derek/sign luck?


Well shit. I'm bi for Kayden.