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Hey guys I'm posting early today because my computer is giving me trouble and I'm going to do my best to fix it this afternoon.  Here's hoping nothing explodes! ><

So a few months back, Trish started leaving home for an hour or two on Thursday nights after school, saying she needed to go for a drive and clear her head.  It wasn't long before Mary got suspicious.  What the hell did Trish need to clear her head from every week? It's not like either of them were real deep thinkers.  After a couple of weeks of this Mary's curiosity got the better of her, and one Thursday night she followed Trish to a motel in the next town over.  That's where she recognized Mr. Fontaine's car and Trish was busted.

 Mary could have a new boyfriend every day and Trish couldn't care less.  But when Trish so much as shows interest in a new guy,  Mary gets jealous.  She'll often interfere with the relationship or even sometimes try to steal the guy for herself. 

And so Trish found herself in the one place she hated being more than anywhere else on Earth: at the complete mercy of her sister.  If Mary told anyone about this affair it would be disastrous on every level.  So when Mary demanded to come along and join in the next week, there was little Trish could say or do to stop her.

Trish was still furious at the idea though.  Teaming up on a guy with your sister was just weird.  And it was just like perverted little Mary to want to try it.  Not only that, but she felt what she and Mr. Fontaine had together was special, the last thing she wanted to do was share that with Mary. 

But despite her bad attitude going in, Trish was surprised to find that Mary's inclusion ended up turning her on.  It was fun, the two of them putting on a show for Mr. Fontaine.  Trish enjoyed the look in his eyes when he watched her suck mouthful of cum out of his dick and then spit it into her sister's mouth.

Trish would never say it out loud, but now she's reached a point where sex in general just isn't as fun without Mary joining in.  She still enjoys some alone time with the man she loves, but the nights where Mary comes along are the ones she looks most forward to.




Wow, I totally missed this one doing a crawl through the archives. I didn't realize that Trish/Fontaine had actually taken place in canon- I'd just heard it mentioned in an old Reintalk. Sexy idea!


That story is almost kind of sweet, in a porny way lol. If I liked Mr. Fontaine more this would be downright adorable!

Bob Fink

These two are very hot together, any chance they will have their own set?


Well you might like him more as he gets more focus down the line. We really have just had one scene where was being an asshole lol. Which don't get me wrong, he IS. But there's more to him I promise. ;)


Hard to say, they really don't do much with just each other, (I already have a lesbian incest couple after all) but I may come up with more scenarios where they team up on some lucky bastard. :)


I love the idea of these two being "inseparable", teaming up or even being manipulated to reveal their true nature. I find myself really looking forward to what craziness they get into any time their see blue hair on the screen.


Great to hear! I'd like to focus on them more once the main story is finished. :)


My pants got tight o.O


Being with those sexy muscular twins, a dream!

Bryan Allen

It's good to see more of Mr. Fontaine.


Glad you think so! As of this writing he'll have another appearance in the final chapter of the comic. :)