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Two exclusive pin ups this week? That's right my friend! Thank you as always for your support! :D

When Abbey received the sex video that Trish and Mary made for her eighteenth birthday,  she became secretly obsessed with it.  She watched it over and over again until she'd memorized Mary's every moan and sigh.  She would get wet just thinking about watching Trish lick the come off of her sister's tits.

She would never admit it, but she sees her two best friends differently now.  She fantasizes about what it must have been like to make that video every time she's around them.  Trish and Mary are always teasing Abbey about how she's still a virgin, and have tried to set her up more than once.  She's always brushed them off before, but if they asked her to join them in making the next video, for the first time she's unsure of what her answer might be.




A virgin huh? I wasn't expecting that. Someone in a previous post said maybe she just needs some dick to make her less of a bitch, they might be right lol.


Something tells me Abbey would either be a lot of fun or an utter nightmare to have in a threesome. Trish and Mary might have created a monster, or at least fed it . . .


This might just be a prelude of things to come between them. ;P


Hey you know she's going to get it on with someone sooner or later lol, otherwise she'd be in the wrong comic. ;)


Hard to say how it would go. Abbey has more than a few things in common with Sylvia, one such thing is that she's bossy as hell. Still though, I bet she'd be fun for a threesome the first time at least.

Bob Fink

She looks like she's really enjoying herself as well as the video ;). I like the idea of her joining them in making their next movie ;)


Abby sure is a tasty morsel. I love the way you did the moistened pubes on this one. You've really stepped up your game lately. Great work as always! :)


Ok, new fantasy: Trish X Mary X Abbey.