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EDIT: Added in a missing word to Casey's dialog in panel four.

More than once I've read the phrase "Don't put your dick in a crazy!" while perusing the comments on this comic. Seems pretty applicable here and I wouldn't have it any other way.  :)

Say do me a favor and let me know if you have any trouble reading the text on this page? I shrunk the font size down a notch, it seemed to me like the word bubbles were taking up way too much space lately so I'm experimenting with a smaller size.




No complaints here :) .. Casey is looking sexy as always.


I don't know if I should be scared or turned on. I can read the text just fine.


Glad to hear it about the text, yeah I think at this point Royce is now sporting a "fear boner." XD


As always things are looking good Reinbach. I hope the intimidating sexiness continues through another explosive climax! Oh and I can read the text perfectly fine.

Stush Cinta

In too deep, in more than one way!


I have 20/15 vision and have zero issues reading any text.


Hey thanks that's good to know. From now on there will be more room for artwork on each page. :)


Casey: "i got you by the balls oldman" Royce: "shut up hoe before i nut in you and put a baby in your oven" :P [Checkmate biatch] XD


Lol, well maybe it's just my phone looked kinda blurry but I could still read it, probably look perfect on my PC. Keep up the good work, always enjoy your work.


HOT! Love this page. Text was fine on my laptop. The problem is, nobody balls like a crazy chick. Good girls, all they do is want to make love and gain weight.


Your art style is going from strength to strength. Genuinely beautiful. No one draws tits, or more specifically, nipples like you do. Fantastic!


Hey thanks so much! I'm doing my best to stand out and keep improving and it's nice to hear when I'm doing it right. :D

Walter L.

I've got no problem reading it. As for the page, I've no idea whether I´m in the minority on Casey, but I really feel sorry for her. The kind of problems she has usually don't come from nothing. I've no idea what your ideas behind her are and the book has it's humour as well, but normally Casey would have had to experience a lot of trauma to end up as screwed up as she is now. Doesn't change it that she treats some people horrible, but before her story is told in full I can't judge her.


Well I can say that I wanted her to be sympathetic as an antagonist, so feeling sorry for her isn't a bad thing. But I assure you she hasn't gone through anything truly traumatic, if for no other reason than that this is a porn comic and that idea is about as unsexy as it gets. With her I just wanted to present someone who doesn't relate to others well and lacks a real emotional connection with anyone. So she fills that void with sex, and again, since she's never really connected with anyone she doesn't really comprehend how much she's hurting people along the way.


Damn I like this page, Crazy Casey in this page is a turn on, she says all the right things. :D

Bob Fink

Very well written, and sounds like Casey has turned the tables once again and has Royce by the short hairs ;-)


Awesome! Glad you like it. We'll see more about how she got that nickname in Chapter 7. :)


I compared the font text size in the spoken conversations that occurred between pages 53 through 74, in my opinion the new font size make it more difficult to read. Personally, I enjoyed the previous font size, but that is only my opinion and as the artist you do have the final say.


Hey thank you for your feedback. I think I may just stick with the original font size after all. It's important to me that everyone be able to read the text clearly and I never had any complaints in the original size. :)


Font size seems fine to me. I have no problems reading it in the shrunked version that shows in the Patreon window, let alone at full size. You've got good contrast against the background and a plain font.