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Piper wins the vote this week! I liked all the companions I found in Fallout 4, but I think her and Nick Valentine were my favorites.

I like to use these weekly pin ups to play with different styles and brushes sometimes, and I really like how this one looks. I use a messier brush for the lines, and then I paint over them here and there the same way I've been doing with my commissions lately.  Looks like I'll have some interesting new looks to pick from when the next chapter of Switch starts. :)




Well I can't exactly claim to be disappointed lol, I love both Piper and Cait. Guess I'm just fans of red heads with baggage :P


Piper getting that vintage 200+ year cum right there! :D


Thats my girl right there :) Im sad though in the game, where its too easy to max out pipers likes and theres no sex scenes. I wanna keep piper as a companion but whether i do or not its inevitable ill miss ALOT of hidden dialogue


Oh yeah, that game is blatantly engineered to make you have to play it more than once to see it all. ><

Bob Fink

I like it very well done and she looks hot all painted that way ;-)


Thanks! I'm going to try and work some of this into my style. :)

Sarah Hawke

Great pose! And his aim isn't too bad!


Thanks! And yeah he's got to me more accurate than the men of the Switch universe. They blow so much they don't really need to aim lol.