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And I'm back! My thanks again to all the well-wishers on my staycation post. I had a good time. I watched some good shows, drank some good booze, and downloaded a handful of indie games that kicked my ass into next month. Are my skills slipping? I used to be good at hard games, I legit finished Bloodborne, I swear! 

( In summary: Ara Fell was rad, but Jet Lancer and Blasphemous, I curse you into the everlasting night.)

Moving on! This is adult Wendy Corduroy from a cartoon called Gravity Falls. A show that, in my opinion, may just be the best muthafuckin' thing ever muthafuckin' made. Certainly one of the better cartoons to come out of America in the last few years, anyhow. Seriously if you've got Disney plus and want to laugh your ass off, I can't recommend it highly enough. 

Anyhow she serves as the crush for the show's male lead. She's also voiced by Linda Cardellini, who you might most recently recognize as Hawkeye's wife in the Avengers films. Setting aside that her and I will one day be married on top of a mountain and you're all invited, I think she did a great job in the role.

So what do you guys think? Have you seen the show? Are there any other girls from relatively recent cartoons you'd like to see on a future Monday? As always I'd love to hear about it. :)  




Candice Flynn. A little angular but yeah. Maybe a three-way with Doof and Perry, with Jeremy tied to a chair being forced to watch....


Didn't know Linda Cardellini voiced Wendy. She'll always be Velma to me. Anyway I'm gonna suggest Dr. Mrs. The Monarch for a Monday pinup again

Jeremy Joanes

Definitely one of my favorite shows.

Jeremy Joanes

Maybe Miko kobouto from Glitch Techs?


I would never be mad at any Wendy art.


Nice job! re: cartoon characters- I find that Elena of Avalor is a great modern cartoon character that gets underutilized, despite being an "official" Disney Princess, owing to the fact that her show ended up on the kiddie channels. Despite that, she's got a great design, and the show is a lot more intense than the usual Disney Junior fare (for example: Elena KILLED SOMEBODY. By shooting them with fire!). I'd love to see more artists take a shot at her. For all the perversion of Hentai Foundry, the only picture of her on that site is one *I* drew, lol!


I forgot which episode, but I remember Wendy under a Blacklight saying something along the lines of “It’s like a crime scene in my mouth”. And of course my gutter mind remembers that cum is visible with a blacklight, meaning Wendy gave some lucky scrub a blowjob. Probably wasn’t the intention, but this headcanon will never leave my head.

alex baker

Frankie foster, vicky from fairly odd parents, summer Smith, the hex girls

alex baker

Akane from ssss gridman


Great to have you back rein.


I nominate Claudia from Dragon Prince


Nice! Actually been meaning to draw her since I saw the show a few months ago.


Gravity Falls is funny without being shallow, sarcastic without being mean, shows compassion towards its characters' flaws and is 100% entertaining. Give my kids *any* quote from *any* episode and they'll immediately tell you who said it and in what episode. Also: your illustration kicks ass.


I've had a crush on Linda Cardellini since Freaks and Geeks. Somehow she has only gotten more attractive.

Squid Hills

Are those Royce's arms? Because they look like Royce's arms...


Her dad's arms, I guess. Though Royce might be her dad.


Well now I want more of you drawing Wendy! And apparently I need to be checking out Gravity Falls


Linda Cardellini probably best known for Velma and also Lindsey Weir in Freaks and Geeks

Licorice Lain

What a sploogey appearance.


Hey they snuck in a lot of dirty jokes on purpose lol, I bet the writers knew what they were doing. XD


They're a little younger than I normally care to age upwards, as that's a pretty big leap, from 12 to 18. But they do have cool designs for sure.


You know I still haven't seen Freaks and Geeks, I should check it out sometime.

frank barry

Gnomes definitely vomit rainbows! Love LOVE gravity Falls! Linda Cardellini is Velma from ScoobyDoo (so sad they cut her kiss with Alica Silverstone out of the movie :( She was also the female lead in Grandma's Boy.


Maybe Jinx from Teen Titans?