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The time has come once more for my seasonal vacation week! If you're new here, I take a week off in the summer and a week off in the winter every year to relax and recharge. I'll still be around on the Discord server, and if you need to reach me with a PM or an email I'll answer those too, but there won't be any updates here next Monday and Thursday.

I hope you guys are having a good week, and I'll be back before you know it. :)



Bob Fink

Have a great vacation!

Karl Moore

Have a good one man, you deserve it!


Where you going amigo? Vacation house or sumthin'?


Staycation all the way. Going to hole up and watch Community I think, and go from there.


Dude I have seen 'em all amigo. But nothing even comes close to the comedy gold Arrested Development delivers. Get on it if you got the chance


I LOVED the original series of arrested Development, but not as big a fan of the Netflix revival.

That black guy

Have a good time, be safe and make sure to rest your drawing hand

frank barry

Have a great week!


Well deserved


I just remembered something, Casey fucked her young cousin, but who’s he related to? Do either of Casey’s folks have siblings? And has she tried to fuck them too?


I am glad to hear you are taking care of yourselves. Rest up, you deserve a break and thank you for all your hard work.

Daniel Reyes-Bukowski

Take care reinbach can’t wait to see the next page, rest up and stay safe!!


Have fun :)


Have a blast. Make sure you do something that inspires your great work.


have fun. You should take more than a week tho if you can


She has uncles on her dad's side, but that's about as far as I have written. Between Bria, Royce, and Sylvia keeping her busy, Casey doesn't have time for new conquests at the moment lol.


It was great, thank you.


Well i got my ass kicked at a bunch of video games, we'll see what that shakes loose this week i guess. XD


Thanks, but honestly by day six I was getting antsy and ready to come back to work. XD