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Finally made it to Tenma! :D

I generally try to refrain from referencing real world pop culture if I can, as TRW is supposed to take place in an alternate universe from our own. But I find with video game/anime stuff I can't resist the urge to mention real material. I think it fits here especially though, as Front Innocent is totally where I got the idea for topless sex slave maids, and I felt an acknowledgement of that was due. Not only that, but it seemed like a fun way to answer a question I've gotten more than once: Does Elianna watch hentai? Yes. Yes she does. XD

PS: Between Front Innocent now and that Mezzo Forte wine bottle in Switch, I've referenced my two favorite animated hentai of all time. The thing is, those shows are crazy old, why isn't there anything better out there by now? I never saw anything that looked half as well animated as those two ever again. Can you think of any modern hentai with standout animation or artwork? I'd love to hear about it in the comments. 




What's with the parents being massive sex freaks & actively encouraging their kids to be one as well?

Roy Crowned

Huh I don't know why but my wish for Eliana to be with derek disappeared in a lesbian ship


Jesus dem TITAYS! And you deliver such natural looking ones all the time. If I had to make a top 5 best artists on the web. You definitely up there with the 5


Is Tenma gonna make an appearance in the game? I hope so.

Roy Crowned

And for the hentai I would just recomand you the work of butcha-u it's not animated but a really cool character design and some good pervy world idea


Called it. Elianna watches hentai.

Marco Talin

Wow, Front Innocent. Wasn't expecting to see that referenced 😂 I remember hearing about Front Innocent that it was too expensive to continue. Not sure if that's true, but I can believe it.


So, uh, when are we getting a threesome with Derek, Elianna, and Tenma?


Haha so she watches hentai but denies it? INTERESTING!!

Malcolm Tent

Lol Derek's corruption had begun and he didn't even know it.

alex baker

Never heard of front innocence

Yuu Yi

I liked Hatsu Inu and Tentacles and Witches from recentish stuff, but dang haven't heard the name Front Innocent and Mezzo Forte in forever. And that uniform, wow! I can definitely imagine your other characters in it.

Bob Fink

Tenma's tits are almost as big as Elianna's and her moms, totally hot! ;D


I'm now very curious as to what uniform she can wear that can contain those.


As for anime Hentai, I consider works like Urotsukidoji and Bible Black as 'classic'.


It's been a few years since there's been any stand-out hentai. Unfortunately, internet piracy for hentai got so bad that putting in that kind of effort for a hentai was a losing proposition. Hell, Front Innocent was a big loss for the studio that animated it; they couldn't afford to animate the sequel, it drove them so deep into the red. (I think the only other thing they made was Angelium.) There's just no space for stuff like Kanojo X Kanojo X Kanojo, which was a definite labor of love. It doesn't help that so much anime these days is just softcore porn; why put effort into even a 15-minute episode of something when you could just make a really-borderline show like Interspecies Reviewers? You've got more or less the same market, *and* you can lean on late-night censored airings to promote the uncensored blurays. (Also, Front Innocent was released in the US as Another Lady Innocent; kinda fun to think of weird regional name-changes for hentai.) So yeah, unless studios are willing to spend more money funding hentai and are willing to drop the prices of their media, I think what we'll be seeing are more functionally-softcore otaku-oriented shows and fewer outright hentai releases.


Best girl has good taste in hentain? yesssssss


"KITE" the Uncut DVD version with sex scenes is made by the same director and company as "Mezzo Forte".


Front Innocent? By Urushihara? Wow, Eli really DOES have good taste.

Jariah Synn

Hahahahaha! I understood that reference.... Also didn't expect it. Good job.


Can confirm Resort Boin having good animation. Pinkerton has somewhat stilted animation, but if Elianna's into girls liking what they want to hate it would tickle her fetish so hard...


And Samual L. Jackson was in the live action adaption of Kite! Because he likes anime .... and Hentais too!


When we look at the faces on this page we can really tell how great your art has become.


No idea who she is :) Great art, though.


I guess you have a point there. I have three milfs, and two out of three (Sylvia and Luka) are total pervs. Raina is only a medium perv. XD


Hard to say at this point, but I guess it depends on how much we can fit in there without padding it too much.


I'd believe it. It had a lot of repetitive animation, but still you could tell it had crazy high production value for porn.


It's not exactly recent so I don't blame you. Worth looking up though, good stuff.


I did like that one. Is that the one with the outdoor shower scene? That was rad.


I guess I could see that. It's a shame that business stifled anime porn so hard. Hopefully they fiond a way to make big budget stuff profitable again someday.


Nice! I remember Kite, and like, one laughably low budget episode if Cool Devices were the only other places I ever saw this style. Not counting the non-porn Mezzo Forte series they did.