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Posting a day early? You bet I am! I'll be flying all day tomorrow and I don't want to have to worry about getting this posted the minute I land, so here we are!

Meanwhile this pic of Luka and Mio is story canon, and takes place in the same sex scene we just saw in the comic. But unlike most canonical pics I don't have much of a story to add here. (And if I tried, it would feel forced.) The truth is these characters just seemed to go over really well, and I wanted to extend their scene a bit for Patreon supporters. The best I can say to frame this picture is that Dan came inside Mio and collapsed, possibly dead. But before she went to check on him, Luka leaned in to lick some cum out of Mio's pussy, and then spit it into her mouth. The end! :D

And with that, I'm off to the bus station. Have a great Sunday everyone, I'll be back in business Tuesday morning. :)




Would you trust me if I telled you I was thinking just 30 sec before your post that a Luka pin up would be awesome ? ❤😱❤ Have a safe trip ! 😁👍


Shit dude, that is a HUGE LOAD, actually i'm thinking that he is dead for real hahaha Really looking forward for whats is to come!! Mio and Luka are so sexy. Hace a Nice trip!

Licorice Lain

You just wanted to draw a lot of goo.


Save some cum for the french toast will ya!

Yuu Yi

Dang, can't believe Eli's dad died

A Guy

Ooof. So ... that's a sticky picture. Which, well, I get that that's the POINT, but for whatever reason this feels like it's veering into Cronenbergian body-horror territory. Oof. But then again, I'm all boring and just wanna see some naked cuddles or some shit like that.

Bob Fink

Very well done snowball render it's so hot! I also love how Luka's tits totally cover over half of Mio ;D


Strange, that's two people now who've mentioned that this looks like a lot of cum, even for me. But I thought this was pretty much my normal. Maybe I'm getting desensitized to it lol.

Yuu Yi

If he doesn't, I'm sure I speak for a lot of your patreons when I say I volunteer as tribute xD

frank barry

Tenma is just gorgeously drawn, nice work! (Hoping she makes it in the game).


Hey thanks! This one is Mio, but if I can think of a way to get Elianna's house in the game, they'll both be in there. :D