Switch Page 43 (Patreon)
EDIT: Felt the background looked a bit bland and so I punched it up a little.
This may have been the "non-porny-est" chapter of Switch yet. ("Porny-est" copyright Reinbach 2015.) But the fact is while this is a porn story, it's still a story. And I think it's important to introduce the characters and their personalities before you start spraying them with bodily fluids, because frankly I think it's hotter that way. I mean, think about every action movie that's ever opened with an unknown character in a life or death gunfight. When you're first watching, you don't give a shit about them do you? How could you? You don't know them yet. In retrospect I wish I'd delayed a bit more with Bria. She's a major character, yet we learned very little about her before seeing her getting drilled in public. Thankfully chapter five is all about her, so I'm looking forward to fixing that problem. :)