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Once upon a time I played Star Wars: The Old Republic like a man obsessed. A well done MMO has a power over me like few games do. So I can assure you that this commission did not present the first time I'd thought of drawing porn of Master Satele. Especially since Jennifer Hale did her voice in the game. (She happens to be my favorite voice actress of all time and someday her and I are going to get married on top of a mountain!)




Awesome Satele Shan. I think Jennifer Hale also voiced her mom Bastila Shan in KOTOR and the female trooper in SWTOR as well. Do you think you might play SWTOR again when the new expansion comes out in October?


Hard to say. After KOTOR I fell into Final fantasy 14 and got so crazy obsessed with that one that in the end I decided that MMO games simply got their hooks into me too deep and ended up eating up WAY too much of my time. Especially now, since becoming a full time artist I work about 12 hours a day every day. Hopefully as my skills and reputation grow I'll be able to work less for more money but for now epic games that go on forever just aren't in the cards.


She makes me wanna shoop.


That insignia is supposed to be blue. You made me think about her maybe falling for some member of the empire, that would have stroked me the right way, just like that jaina pic did. I like the theme of falling to the opposite faction or side, corruption, coercion, etc. :P


Well I made it red largely because I didn't want his scarf to be the only red in the image, but it would be easy to change if it might be considered unauthentic. I'll mess with it and see how it looks before I post.