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So there are two things I've been wanting to improve here on my site. One is that Switch simply isn't moving fast enough to provide as many options for voting polls as I'd like. And another issue is what I should start posting every week for my exclusive Patreon sketch, as there is only so much extra Switch content I can come up with without stepping on the story. 

So I thought I'd try doing a short scene where I make a sort of male avatar character who has a sexual encounter with a popular lady from the world of fiction, and his actions would be voted on and decided weekly by $10 + supporters. For example the girl could say what she wants or doesn't want sexually and you would vote to decide whether or not to romantically respect her wishes or have the male just dominate her without care as to what she wants, which could have real consequences depending on the girl in question.

It all sounded well and good. But in practice the fact is I just don't have time to work on two comics right now if I want to keep a roof over my head. So I instead decided I'll tell this short story in single panel colored sketches once a week for the next month or so. It gives me something interesting to draw and it gives voters something to do every week in appreciation for their support.

I'll be posting the poll in a few minutes. So the question is, which girl do you want?




I voted for hot jungle sex with Samus :P


Right on, I know I've already drawn both of these girls recently but they're two of my all time favorites that I happen to have story ideas for. :)