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I'm becoming a big fan of commissions that present a story of some kind. In this case the idea of the client's WoW character hooking to cover her adventuring expenses. I honestly have a lot of fun with concepts like this. :)




Yup, characters having sex is way better than random people having sex. That's why Switch is so hot and so much other incest pron isn't. An artist can show an image of a guy and girl having sex and tell you 'they're brother and sister'. But it's 1000% hotter to show them as brother and sister instead.


Thanks and I agree. It is better if there's some story involved. :)


exactly, the mind fuck is as important if not more important than the visual ;)

ConoSaurus Rex

You know, I never realized how much sexier my Zowka could look with just the simple addition of having her hair cover part of her face. I never thought of that in any other works with her I'd had done. She looks way hotter this way to me.


The hair covering the eye is a sensuality effect as old as art! Or at least old as Jessica Rabbit, which is when I picked it up.

ConoSaurus Rex

It's definitely something I never considered. You've opened my eyes up more for my own character, that's for certain.