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Derek may be lucky enough to get two girls to blow him, but not so lucky that they don't get distracted midway and forget his dick is even there. XD



alex baker

i feel like there is a punchline coming .


I need this to keep going at lesst 5 or 6 pages!


Holly looks really good here to me for some reason. Which is odd, because I don’t normally care for her :)


I like the perspective of panel 3especially.

Lord of Nightmares

Not sure if the fact he can't even get a complete BJ is "what's wrong" here... or if something reeeeally bad is about to happen to even things out...


If their comments are foreshadowing... poor guy. Meh, hopefully this still goes well for him while it lasts!

Yuu Yi

Now you have me expecting some nearly impossible misfortune to come crashing down on his head, to balance out the luck of having them blow him, like an endangered animal crashing in through the window or something.

Squid Hills

That sounds like Elianna's cue to drop in and get judgemental (and just plain old mental) about anime and unmarried people having sex! Also: Holly's eyes in panel 3 are just WOW.


I like Kristina's blowjob dialogue lol

Malcolm Tent

Wait...Eliana has been stalking him for days, and we all know she's a huge cockblock. Does Derek's bad luck directly balance out his luck with women? Like do bad things only happen when he gets laid?


Hey thanks! I felt like her eyes were a high point for me there. I hope I can replicate it moving forward.


They might have cared more during school hours, but yeah. XD


Thanks! I was happy with that too. For some reason the idea of a woman being distracted by something else when a dick is in her mouth is endlessly entertaining to me. XD