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Sometimes when I'm coming up with ideas for these pin ups, I stop and ask myself, "is this too fucked up?" That happened today, as Wednesday Adams here is presented in most incarnations as a pre-teen at the oldest. I worried that even my clearly adult version of the character might be in bad taste. But considering how many cosplay pics I found when looking up the outfit, it became fairly clear to me that I'm not alone finding appeal in a grown woman dressed in that goth getup. 

But what do you think? Is this over the line? Or is it acceptable as long as the character is unquestionably an adult in my picture? I'd love to hear it in the comments as always. Meanwhile I'm not done with the Halloween content just yet, I've got a pic I'm saving for the day itself that is indeed one of the scarier things I've ever drawn. See you then! :D




The only "offense" I take is that there ain't no way Wednesday would be on her knees for anyone. Other way around maybe.


I suppose you're right lol. Though if she did do it, she'd no doubt look bored, and I did my best to capture that much at least. XD


Well, the real question is not for us, but to you. I don't speak for everyone but personally, I don't take an offense to this since I truly know that the character is not real. If this is a concern that you are approaching or crossed a line into pedo territory, than just admitting it in you posts means you are not of that clan, since you have to ask us is this OK. I've read many artists do some crazy shit in their life, both in History and online, but it all comes down to with are you fine with it? If making this character into an adult makes you uncomfortable, cause you still see her as a kid, then don't do anymore work of her.

alex baker

i really dig the fact that her piercings look like nails it's a nice choice


oh the adult version of wednsday Adams has been a thing in society for a while. just check out adult Wednesday Adams on youtube. So I don't find this remotely offensive. honestly, I feel like this is her in college showing up the rest of the sorority girls. she's like "you cheerleaders think you can suck dick, watch this".

Squid Hills

"Age-ups" of otherwise underage characters, turning them adult and thus "legal" for the purposes of pr0n are fairly common. I don't think there's anything wrong with depicting a fictional character as an adult. It's better than depicting them getting schtupped as a kid, after all.


Check out shàdbase if you think your stuff is over the line, he'll give you a healthy dose of what many would consider too far.

Bob Fink

You're right she doesn't appear to be the least bit impressed by the quality of the cocks being presented to her to suck, but I guess if you're just into being cum on they would suffice. And I'm not the least bit offended, I think she's pretty damn hot. XD


I think grown-up underage characters are fine, so long as they LOOK grown-up- in this case, Wednesday here looks to be in her 20s, a "standard-age Reinbach girl", and older-looking than Abbey or some of the other teens in TRW. She neither looks like the cartoon versions, nor like Christina Ricci in her mid-teens, which would avoid most of the troubling imagery you could end up showing. I like her unimpressed look. All "Well, I suppose these are PRETTY big, but Rein didn't go Full Royce with them, so meh". Something about a lady who's hard to impress is pretty great :). The "painting" of her face's skin is interesting, too- more "chalky" or something, I dunno- the colors feel more detailed and "blocked off" than the smooth transitions your pics have had in the past. It feels different in an interesting sort of way.


She has to grow up sometime. I do disagree with her being passive about things; as I remember it, she became a expert at pretty much anything she decided to do, so it would make more sense to me for her to be phenomenal at it, not just passively barely participating. That said, there’s been a lot of takes on her over the years


I don’t even care if she’s adult or not as long as this is *just a fantasy*.


Onl problem i have at the nipple piercings



Chris Davis

I think it's Fantastic! I'm a big fan of the show (Not so much the movies) and before she was married to Gomez, Morticia wore the same outfit as Wednesday, even though she was clearly "of age". Speaking of which, do Morticia next!!! :)


2d images are objects and have no human rights. Just keep dping what you do, man.


Even if that is the case he would get into trouble by at least patreon, as in he would get banned if he posts it here, if he drew underaged girls.


Well put! I guess as always I'll have to just consider how I feel about a given subject on a case by case basis moving forward.


For sure, and you'd never see me draw that kind of thing in a hundred years.


I guess you're right lol. I haven't checked in on his stuff in awhile though, is it still as over the line as always or has he mellowed over the years?


Thanks for noticing the lighting! I'm trying some new stuff lately. Trying to think more about where the light is coming from and what kind of shadows it would make.


I suppose so! I forgot that she had that perfectionist streak, been awhile since I've seen anything from the brand.


I certainly will sooner or later. It was almost her today, but I landed on Wednesday because I wanted to draw pigtails.


I do agree that these are harmless cartoons, but all the same I try to put some thought into the kind of content that represents my work.