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I have to admit I struggled a bit trying to get this one to look right. Anatomical foreshortening isn't exactly a strength of mine, but I figure if I don't practice I'll never get better at it. Be curious to hear how you guys think this turned out. 

As for the subject here, it's Maka Albarn from an anime called Soul Eater. Fans of the show might think Maka an odd choice to present an adult porn version of, as in the show she was presented as far more "cute" than "sexy." But I always thought her costume was cool, and would have been even cooler if the character wearing it had any curves at all. 

As for the show itself, I thought it was fun enough, worth finishing anyway, which is rare for me to say about such a long series. I've always been fascinated by stories that feature the grim reaper as a character, and the show's take on death himself was a pretty unique one I have to say. Overall I think Soul Eater deserves a look for the character designs and the presentation if you have easy access to watch it.  



alex baker

Dude you have to do the gorgon sisters from the same series


I tried to watch Soul Eater when it came out, but it didn't catch me. I really liked the character design and some bit of the lore, but i didn0t finished the manga or the show. BUT, and what a coincidence, right now i'm HOOKED on Fire Force, a "new" series of Atsushi Ohkubo about a fire department that fight flame demons. And ig getting an anime this summer, i think. About the pic, as always... i just love it. Sorry if i'm don't say anything meaninfull, but i ran out of ideas on how to praise your art haha


Hey I'll take it! And firefighters taking on fire demons does indeed sound pretty rad. :D