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For the unfamiliar, Alita (or Gally?) here is a robot who doesn't exactly have an age as far as I know, but she's built to look early teens in the story. As always, my take is meant to be an adult version of the character. But rather than just draw her looking older, I thought I'd write the idea into the pic here. With her appearing older by "upgrading" her chest. I guess with the big head and small body she still looks a bit younger than the characters I normally draw. There's a "Battle Angel Lolita" joke worth making in there somewhere. 

So I haven't seen the Battle Angel Movie, but I'll check it out when it hits video. (Am I the only one who thinks those crazy CG anime eyes are actually kinda cute, in a weird way? Yes? I'll see myself out.) The fact is I have a bit of history with the series.

Back when my friends and I were first getting into anime, the original one-hour OAV, Battle Angel knocked our friggin' socks off. We'd never seen anything like it. The animation and art style were insane for the time, and it told a compelling story with a likable star. By some miracle you can find the whole thing on Youtube right here, and I'd recommend it before someone notices and it gets taken down. Though I hear the new movie is a pretty faithful adaptation, so you may want to skip the anime if you want to avoid spoilers. 

I always carried a torch for the anime version to have been turned into an ongoing series. As while it is a fairly open and closed story, it was just the beginning chapter. If you want to see what Alita gets up to next, time to start collecting the manga, a practice I've never been a fan of. Manga artists apparently get paid so shockingly little per volume that they can't seem to help but pad their stories to a degree where you'd have to add an extra wing to your house just to store your One Piece collection. Not for me, but here's hoping the movie got enough traction for a sequel or, better yet, inspires a proper anime adaptation of the whole story. 



alex baker

that very cute


I’m unfamiliar with the source but I enjoyed the Alita movie. It’s got some problems but overall it’s a fun enjoyable movie


I think the length/size of collection is more to do with the medium itself than manga artists specifically padding things out. Unless you use massive pages with small images, a normal'ish 240-260 page tankobon won't be able to compete in "density" with a 250 odd page novel, at least not with a comfortable pacing. Love Hina was 14 tankobon long, which eats up quite a bit of shelf space, but as a reading experience it lasts about as long as a normal novel, if not less. If the author wants to tell a novel sized story in the manga format, it's going to take up more space on the shelf than a novel would. Sure, there are extreme cases like One Piece, that nears a hundred volumes by now (and getting closer to 1000 episodes, I know I'd much rather go through the manga than the anime for that amount), but then again there are novel series that span over a dozen books as well. Alita is for me a nice sized package as a manga, only taking 9 volumes. BTW, you can get manga in digital formats much better these days as well, for example BAA has been released officially in digital form, so you could use a computer, tablet or eReader to go through it without all the shelf space needed. :)


Makes sense when you put it that way. It never occurred to me to start collecting manga digitally. Maybe now I can finish that Slayers remake series. I never could find that anywhere back when I was trying to collect it.


Woow, she's cute! Her hair in particular looks awesome.


Thanks! I feel like I should try this look on a character of my own sometime. XD


Awesome pic! Have you read any of the newer Altia stuff? Just started picking up the Mars Chronicles the last while here and man, it's really good.