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Hey gang, as I'm sure you've noticed, my commission output has been erratic at best since the game launched last fall. As between drawing assets for the game, and having occasional scenes in TRW that I feel move too slowly and need two updates a week to keep the story's pace up, there often just aren't enough hours left in the day for me to manage work on anything else. For my part, I could have been communicating better on this. Since my  announcement about commissions last fall, I've had almost 20 people on my waiting list, and I've barely managed to get to any of them.

But going into the summer, I'm hoping to start fitting in at least 2-3 commissions a month. At least that's the hope as of this writing. However, I've made some tweaks to my policies and prices that I'd like to outline here for anyone who might still be interested in hiring me.

First up are two policy changes. One is that I'll no longer be accepting private commissions. I don't get a ton of requests for these anymore, but I apologize if you happened to want one from me in the future. 

Second is that from now on I only take NSFW jobs. And by that I mean if I'm going to do a commission, there needs to be at least some female nudity present. I've enjoyed drawing fully clothed characters for commissions in the past, but from a sheer economic standpoint, they're often way more work than an unclothed character for the same price, and I don't personally find them as exciting to draw as a character who's naked/partially clothed and up to something sexual. 

A side note here, if you're interested in getting your original character into TRW: The Game as a cameo on "Fuckwall", the in-game social media spoof, please contact me directly, as I don't have the exact rules for that hammered out yet and tend to go on a case by case basis so far. 

Last topic is my pricing. In the end I've decided to leave my prices largely unchanged, as I haven't done enough commission work since my last increase to justify raising them again from my perspective, except for one type of job. Here are the details:

-If you want one character with a half-body interaction, (basically a woman sucking/fucking a generic male lower body with the face out of view.) The price remains $85.

-If you want two full characters together, (as in both faces/bodies are visible) the price is unchanged at $105. 

-Avatar headshots (as in a face from the neck up typically used for online profiles) are $20. 

-But here's the big change: if you want a single, solo character, the price has gone from $70 to $85. (Though keep in mind that is no longer the base price for all jobs, this rate only applies to a single character and is discounted pretty heavily once you add a half-body or another character to the mix.) 

Why the big change to solo characters? Basically it comes down to time. With the exception of maybe an avatar here or there, I have time for one commission a week at best, and I want to ensure that no matter what the commission's content is, it's worth the effort of squeezing it into my already heavy workload. I hope that sounds reasonable.

And those are all the details! So finally we come to where I ask you to sound off if you're still interested in a commission. The terms have changed since I brought this up last year, so if you're no longer interested in a job I understand completely. But if you are, I ask that you say so either in the comments of this post or with a PM directly to me, and I'll get my list updated.

Thanks as always to everyone here for your support and interest in my art, and I'm looking forward to working for you again. 



Well, that's not so bad. I'm fine with this. I was worried it was gonna be like double the price or something, lol.


I'm in!

alex baker

Please let me do a Commission I have so many good ideas.

alex baker

Side question are we getting the release of the game today?

Squid Hills

Thanks for the situation update!


Nah I'd have to improve my skills pretty drastically to justify something like that lol.


I made a post about that here a couple days ago, sorry but Kal and I ran a little behind due to a couple of external factors. Expect the new build sometime this week.


I commented earlier saying I was still interested and now that comment is gone. Weird


It seems like I hear about a dropped comment at least once every couple of months. It seems to be rare but it's still obnoxious that it happens at all.

Klaus Ikra

Can I pay you in gum?


You've been great with communication in general, and with all of the great stuff coming down the chute, this sounds more than reasonable. Also will never complain about the comic being updated twice a week. Thanks again!

Vylon Delta

Are there restrictions to the commissions? Like if I wanted to get a commission of a MILF Casey would that be possible, even if it’s not canon?

Sarah Hawke

I was actually going to ask you about this soon! Thanks for the update. 🙂


Not unless my health insurance provider suddenly decides their bad breath is a major issue. :P


Great! I wasn't sure if you'd still be interested since I'm not doing SFW stuff anymore.