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I'd never heard of Totally Spies, a cartoon about teenage secret agents where Alex here hails from, until I happened across a Youtube video that shined a light on just how many fetishes were on display in any given episode. I didn't agree with all of the assertions, as I don't think "buried in sand" belongs on a fetish list. (Does it? That's not a thing is it?....Hello?) But other things were pretty damn blatant: foot stuff, weight gain, gender swapping, furry transformations, and of course, TONS of bondage. These chicks apparently got tied up at least once an episode. So not only was it a precursor of sorts to Adam Warren's Empowered, it was also a little preview of the type of content that would come to dominate the front page of Deviant Art. 

Have you seen the show? Do you think it was fetish-y in retrospect? Let me know! :)




I have seen/fapped to the show. It's as risque as you think it is. Especially for a kids show


I'm pretty sure the "buried in sand" one may be referring or adjacent to the "quicksand" fetish, or the "stuck in something" fetish.


Yeah. Saw that growing up, but I was never really into the saftcore fetish stuff. I had already discovered the best use of the internet.


Btw, points for knowing Adam Warren's empowered! For a while I thought I was the only fan of that series. Nobody else I knew had even heard of it.

That black guy

Always liked the girls of Whoop

Senoj Nai

I always remember it by a comic DTiberius started but never finished, entitled "Gloryhole Much?"


I never got into the show (I was exactly the wrong age to get into it- just getting out of cartoons, and before I got back into them, lol), but I remember a friend of mine going on and on about how kinky it was. Being Canadian, I can believe it- our stuff has always been a bit more "edgy" than a lot of American content.

Bob Fink

She looks pretty damn hot and wears her cum bath well.


Ah, Totally Spies. The level of kink where it seems to wholeheartedly focus on the kink to the point where sex isn't really the POINT anymore, if that makes any sense.


Love that you chose to draw Alex out of the three girls, as she was my favorite. I used to watch the show when I was younger. I think I know the youtube vid your talking about, as I think i've seen that one as well. Looking back the show was kind of fetish-y and had quite a lot of bondage.

Licorice Lain

Yeah, Alex is prime tomboy.


Ah, now "stuck in something" is one I recognize. I guess it does fit into that category.


I missed it as well. But it certainly had a fanbase it would seem.


Oh yeah it's a great series, though I do think he should have taken it one step further with the nudity. There's so much sex in that comic that all the Austin Powers-style strategic object placement to hide the privates gets a little silly after awhile. XD


Saw this show when I was a kid, the theme holds up but thats about it. The show can be funny in places but the animation is very VERY dated. As for the fetishes. I think its easy to say that now as filthy adults who regularly browse porn. But back when my mind was simple and clean I saw no such things, hell even the tight leather outfits didn't phase me back then. Its only with a few other shows that I started to connect the dots and go "Oh yeah, girls.".


For sure, I can't say how I would have reacted if I saw this stuff as a kid. Though I would have likely traced it back to where all my weird fetishes would have originated as an adult. XD

Jariah Synn

Loved totally spies. Watched it every Sunday on Fox Family.