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Bit of a correction here: near the end of the video, I'm going on about how men find women more attractive when viewing them from above because they appear submissive from that angle. The hotness of this is certainly a subjective thing, and varies from person to person. But in the video I make it sound like an iron-clad fact universal to all men, and that all women who want to appear attractive to men take selfies from that angle without exception. Not the case, but I wasn't about to re-record the whole video over it. Hope you like what I put together! :)


Reintalk December 2018.mp4



Why not record this addendum and add it to the end?


Largely because I have no idea how to do that I'm afraid. I don't know the first thing about video editing, so these videos need to be done all in one take at my current skill level


Wow, very interesting! This is like the "Master Class" stuff. I hadn't thought about the "180 Rule" before, but now that I think about it, I'd always kind of done it, perhaps subconsciously recognizing that you don't just bounce around the scene. The stuff on establishing shots is great- the crowd to each side of Elianna (it's interesting how she was front-and-center to establish her dominance of the scene, but the crowds were on both SIDES of her to show that there was, in fact, a crowd) really showed her power. The stuff with the house is perfect, too. i get what you mean about "submissive" poses, though I think a big part of the "Selfie Rule" is that if you shoot it from below, you get a "double-chin" effect from the light and shadows, combining with that angle- it erases the normal shape of the jawline :)