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Edit: Decided it really fit better if Derek kept his mouth shut in the final panel. I guess I just don't feel like there's a one-liner in existence that does justice to how confused he'd be in this particular moment. If you'd like to compare, I've attached the original page to this post.

And so ends Chapter 2, right on the Page 50 milestone! Hope you guys liked this scene, it was easily the biggest one of the comic so far. But I'm definitely looking forward to checking back in on the other characters with some shorter scenes in Chapter 3. 




Panel Four. That face says VOLUMES. I love it.

Malcolm Tent

Honestly at this point i kind of hope she does get pregnant lmao. Im wondering how she would process that.

alex baker

is hitting his better than his bike catching fire ?


When a whore is both stupid and crazy, you truly have something special. Just dont try and keep her crazy/stupid ass. She's like a trading card, meant to be shared and traded with friends.


Well on the bright side he got to cum inside and all over her before she ran off.


Holy fuck her legs and ass look awesome here. Nice work :). Congrats on 50 pages!!

Squid Hills

Huh. Y'know... I'm starting to think she isn't a space alien who learned about Earth culture from porn movies at all. I think she might actually be legit crazy... D:

Bob Fink

Frankly even though she's extremely hot and and over sexed, I think he'd be better off forgetting her. She's bat shit crazy. :D


"... Oddly, male test subject #24 did not immediately flee after being fully sampled, contrary to all other test subjects. To prevent bonding, I did my best to re-emphasize the cover story's 'Insanity' trait as well as stress that she doesn't want to see him anymore. Thankfully, he didn't press the issue. It would be far too tempting to take advantage of his condition. He's just a kid, and wouldn't really have a chance of resisting me normally, much less in this town that supersizes everyones sex drives and organs. I am worried about his injury history, may have to investigate his home life."


I like how he's just not even gonna try to put pants on.

KD TrueBone

I like the Alt version more. I think the line fits perfectly. I chuckled at it :D


haha, OMG, I hope Miss Holt chooses this exact moment to check in on him :).


This was just funny and hot at the same time. I just find Derek's reaction in the bottom three panels to be real funny :3


"Dear diary, you will never believe what happened today..."

Lord Washington

Is she... running through the hall naked?


Glad you liked it! I agree it was a little funnier before, but I think this fits Derek's feelings a little better.


Hello! This is so awesome! Is there a link on patreon where I can find the entire comic? I’ve enjoyed following but would love to read all in one sitting


Hey there! Sorry for the slow reply. You should be able to type PDFs onto the posts tab, and that will being up the links to download. I'll be getting the latest one uploaded this weekend.