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Trying something a little different next week. This coming Monday I'm going to perform a challenge of sorts. Rather than simply interpret an attractive character in my style, I'm going to take on one of two freaky monster bitches from Mortal Kombat and see if I can make them sexy. So who will it be? Up to you! As always you can click the image links below to see who you're voting for. 




Senoj Nai

4 arms = can jerk off 4 dicks. Make the right decision.


Sheeva. Muscle hoes are awesome


Sheeva doesn't get enough love.


Draw their hybrid daughter.

alex baker

i am curious to see what you do with mileena's mouth

Lord Washington

I do find Mileena hot, but I’d go the route the stoner went in scary movie 2 when he met a ghost with a butterface something fierce XD


4 hands>2 hands, numbers don't lie, bros :)


Sheeva is the greatest gift to porn ever- she should totally win :)

Licorice Lain

Mileena, Mileena, Mileena

That black guy

Mileena, namely MKX with the human teeth in the middle

Squid Hills

Sheeva is best girl.

Bob Fink

Mileena for sure!