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Hey guys thanks for being patient with me this month! The video quality has taken a bit of a hit with the new software, but it will do the job for now until I can work something else out. Hope you like the tutorial! :)


Reintalk Nov 2018.mp4



What software did you use in the end?


Went with Screencast O Matic for now. I have OBS Studio downloaded as well, but (please don't laugh) I'll have to watch some tutorials on that one. I couldn't figure out how to save and record a screen capture with it.


Yeah, it's tough to set up, but once it is you get great quality, compressed files.


Looking forward to this episode. Is that an image of the nurse as she will appear in game?


Nope this is just for the tutorial, in fact I'll get the image attached just for fun. Still haven't decided on the Nurse's job in the game, as she wasn't a nurse before the comic. I'll likely take a few suggestions from you guys and put it to a vote.


One thing you say is that you have a "go to" nipple colour. Something I've noticed is that for the white girls you use the same colour and I've always thought it a missed opportunity to have much more variety. Some girls would really suit "ghost nipples" for instance - really light areola. Also your nipple and areola sizes are always the same. Would be nice to have some nipple personality in future characters.


This is why coloring always horrifies me- during the process, I'm always like "AGH I'M RUINING IT!" and then it usually turns out okay, LOL. I was doing the same thing here, watching you add these REALLY dark shadows and huge globs of yellow to the breasts, going "AGH WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" and then you suddenly blend them and they look awesome. It's HILARIOUS how few steps the "blending" really is- that's like multiple hours with traditional methods, and with Photoshop, I see artists just kind of "wave" the cursor over like you're doing and it's done.


Hrm, I kinda like the "dry" version of the lighting for now (maybe just the "double light" bit looks good to me or something), but as you've said, you're still working with the "wet" version.


Hello, I'm a new subscriber, level three, and I would like to know how to get the link for the Discord Channel. I also played the demo of the game and it's amazing. Really a great job, I always love this kind of games.... and regarding to this video, it's impressive what you can do. Thanks for sharing your secrets and the good art!


Hey there and thanks for joining! Glad you liked what you've seen so far. As for Discord you can find instructions right here: <a href="https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-receive-my-Discord-role-">https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-receive-my-Discord-role-</a>


Well as for blending, it can still take hours digitally. (Take a look at some of Sabu's work if you want proof of that.) But cartoonists like me have too much volume to put out to spend five hours on each individual body part. Not that that wouldn't be nice, there just isn't the time if I want to meet deadlines.


The funny thing is, I think your quicker method looks just as good as some of the "painter"-type guys. It's like a magic trick!