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The latest installment in the fantasy month I've got going here stars Bria as a dark elf! Hope you like it. :)

Sir Derek the Bold set out on horseback one afternoon. It was his duty to collect the king's taxes from citizens along Castlewood's border, and he was going to see it through without incident.

The "without incident" part was important to Sir Derek. For you see, he was rarely referred to by his actual title, "Sir Derek the Bold." No, he was far more frequently known as "Sir Derek the Unfortunate," "Sir Derek the Unlucky," or, more recently, "Sir Derek the Forsaken by God."

But today was a new day, a chance for him to begin to repair his damaged reputation. He spurred his steed into a brisk gallop along the road, eager to complete his charge without fail.

In any case, after a snake spooked his horse and it bucked him out of the saddle and off a short cliff, he suffered a concussion that knocked him out cold. It was after dusk when he finally came to. He'd collected his wits just enough to realize his sword was missing when he was promptly captured by dark elves.  

Sir Derek was led through a series of twisting caves to their subterranean domain before being thrown into a cell. He sat on his lone cot and began muttering angrily to himself about his plight. 

It was just after midnight when Sir Derek heard the jingling of keys. His cell door swung open and a beautiful young dark elf stepped into view. She said her name was Tambria, and that she wanted to see for herself if the rumors she'd heard about human males were true. She said little else before stripping off her clothes and pressing her body against his. 

Sir Derek was all too happy to oblige at first. He fucked her on his cot and blasted his come all over her massive breasts. She smiled and called for more, and so he gave it to her, this time coming inside her pussy. She moaned excitedly and commanded him to fuck her again. And again, and again. Apparently she'd heard that human males were some kind of sexual super-beings that never tired, and it occurred to Sir Derek that it was not in his best interests to disappoint his current host, for she might be his only chance at freedom. 

And so he persevered. He fucked her against the bars, against the wall, anything she wanted in any position she wanted. It was no exaggeration to say he fucked her like his life depended on it all through the night. 




Awesome loving the fantasy ones :)


Great! I'm doing one more next week before taking a break from them, but this is certainly something I'll come back to as new ideas come to me.


Oh shit. I love a hot dark elf and Mann you delivered!


Wow, really nice work on the underboob, there- it’s SO hard to draw right, and here that subtle way it curves around the ribcage, going OVER it but being affected by it... it’s perfect. Really interesting. Fascinating how different Bria looks with white hair and different skin- you can see her “outline”, but she looks like a whole different person.


I agree she does, funny how much difference a color palette swap can make if it's extreme enough.


I’ve noticed you’ve been doing that shine on their skin a lot since the Yennifer pic. That combined with the grey skin kinda makes her look metallic.


I suppose it does in this case! I'm still trying to master the effect. I want to be able to start a sex scene with softer skin highlights, then transition to this more reflective style as the scene goes on to imply the woman's skin is getting sweaty. It's going to take some practice I think.


Always love an awesome Bria image. Love her overall pose and cum on her huge boobs. Great backstory to the image as well. :) Speaking of fantasy, have you seen the new Final Fantasy 14 trailer "Shadowbringers"?


Derek can, as a matter of fact, simply walk into Mordor. But then he'll have to fuck Shelob... Oh, and those breasts look great.

Squid Hills

Awww yeah. Always a fan of more Bria. With all these fantasy expies you're creating, I'm starting to wonder if one of your characters isn't running the *wierdest* damn D&D game or something. ;P

Bob Fink

Bria makes a totally hot Dark Elf and her sexual appetite as an Elf is over the top HOT!


FF14 is the single most addicting game I ever played. I've had to wrench myself away from it 3 major times now lol. As busy as I am now that the game has launched, going back to it again would ruin my career lol.


Too bad Warren and Morgan are my only D&D players so far. And Morgan would never go for this type of game. XD


Love the fantasy ones, honestly its something I wanna see more of. But I dont see Bria as a dark elf, but thats just me. Still appreciate the effort!


Thanks! I'm doing one more this Monday before moving on, but I may come back to the idea in the future. :)