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I hope there's not too much of a contradiction implied here. As Derek is clearly unnerved at her crazy talk in panel 3, but then starts fucking her even harder in panel 4. In my head, I see it as panel 3 being where he finally realizes this was a mistake, and panel 4 is where he just accepts that even if it was, there's no going back now. 




Haha love it!


"I have stuck my dick in *so* much crazy....ah fuck it."

Malcolm Tent

I cant imagine why he thought doing her bareback was a good idea lmao. Every high school guy should have a condom in his wallet lol. Love this page and cant wait for the next one. I bet she goes nuts when she cums lol.


You know since I've gone this long without showing a single character in the comics ever use a condom I guess I'm reluctant to start now lol. But maybe it's not too late for me to work them in sometime.

That black guy

"Hun, your speech bubble is... Melting on your head"

alex baker

i love that she still covered and he still has the kiss marks fucking should be messy that way the shower fucking afterward is so much better


I'm just glad I remembered the lipstick lol. For some reason I've really struggled with keeping details consistent in this scene.


She didn’t come off this crazy during the Fontaine/Principal blowjob or the Marcus commission.


"Fuck it, GO FOR BROKE!"


She showed up to a job interview dressed like a stripper with a blank application and a vague statement that she wanted to make people happy. Mr. Fontaine even noted a glint of crazy in her eyes. If anything I worried I wrote her TOO crazy back then, as I wanted how nuts she was in this scene to still be something of a surprise.


Her hair looks really nice in the big panel, and she looks REALLY cute and beautiful in the next one. I must be the only person who doesn't like lipstick stains/smears in porn (everyone else seems to LOVE it, lol), but I really have to comment on those two bits of outstanding work. No wonder guys still stick it in the crazy here :D.


I guess it’s her dialogue that really shows how crazy she is. She didn’t really speak in her previous appearances.


Hey glad you like her hair! I've been having fun drawing it so far. :D


Sooooooooo many of your girls have short hair (or hair that's only a bit past the shoulders) so it's really neat seeing another one with REALLY long locks!

Bob Fink

Very well played, and can you say clingy?

Stush Cinta

Holy crap, this is so hot~


You could also consider it him trying to finish up the process faster. If he's smart enough to know she's nuts he probably knows better than to suddenly pull out mid sex and make a break for it lol


That Harlequin dialogue is amazing, although I suspect that might be indicative of her "true nature". Also, the sex drawn here looks incredible, wet and sloppy for sure!


He looks horrified... btw, great work on the ass/hip/thigh, you pulled out the shape perfectly.


Thanks! I found some photo reference of a perfect ass for this pose, so I lucked out there.

Lord Washington

My theory: she is Harriet. Harriet is some supernatural creature that can rejuvenate herself. Or perhaps has been possessed by something in exchange for the return of her youth.

Dean Sturtevant

Oh wow this is by far one of the best fuck scenes you have drawn


Can we just make this entire comic about her now? Pretty please? I have more money.


thats what i thought, shes a Succubus :D and because he is blessed with luck ^^ she shrinks his dick to pencil size xD


Oh no. Not another redheaded crazy nurse? Hope there isn't arson in the future.