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Longtime followers of my work will remember that I once drew a comic page featuring a woman getting her barely legal daughter off with a strap-on dildo. And yet, to me, this still feels like the lewdest page I've ever drawn. Can't really explain why, maybe it's because even though she's eighteen, Parker looks significantly younger than the characters I'm used to? Hard to say.

I've been setting up Parker's come fetish for quite some time now in the content featuring her. But with this page the time came to decide exactly what happens when she gets splashed. I figured it would depend on how aroused she already is when it occurs. If she gets soaked with little or no stimulation, say, after giving a blow job, then getting blasted will put her in a half-crazed state where she has to fuck immediately, similar to how Casey gets when she sees anyone so much as prick their finger. But if Parker has been stimulated before getting soaked, it sets off an instantaneous mind blowing orgasm the second the come touches her skin. 

What do you guys think? Obviously I'm not aiming for realism when it comes to sex and fetishes in TRW, but once I lay down a rule I want to stick to it. Are there any quirks or details that you think should go along with Parker's condition here? If so I'd be happy to hear it. 




That is a pretty perfect set of rules.


That is a SPLENDID O-face.

alex baker

totally worth the wait.

alex baker

also really creative speech bubbles, i like it.


Soooooo if someone accidentally spills a bottle of mayo on her...

Bob Fink

That works for me and the last panel says it all as far as her love for cum! :D


The second to last panel with her squirting really illustrates how well you draw clear fluids.


Haha I like the hearts on the second panel


LOL- Jesus Christ. That's actually almost horrifying to me, lol. Like she's possessed by a demon! Funny as hell, Reinbach :). I was expecting more of a build-up as she attempts to resist the urge, but a sudden shriek of pleasure works, too. Love the little angry-looking hearts and the squirting. Also, that angle is damn near impossible to draw right, so kudos!


great work, nothing more to add to the comments! but xD: painting fingernails like flesh is ok if they are not too big, but in the last panel, and the third, i get an uneasy feeling, it looks too wrong :(


Thanks! I've drawn surprisingly few orgasm faces in the actual comics so I'm glad this one came out well for you.


Thanks! They went over so well on the last page I thought I'd try more with them.


Parker may be gullible but I think her body would be able to tell the difference lol. XD


Awesome! I'm going to try and get as creative with the speech bubbles as I can to better convey emotion moving forward.


To be transparent, I totally had to pose a 3D model for that panel. :P


I hear you, I guess it's one of those things I chalk up to simplifying in the name of being able to consistently get these pages out every week. Another concession I had to make was in rendering the hair on these ladies. If you compare some of the later Switch pages to TRW, you'll notice that hair is rendered quite a bit less detailed than it used to be. Not something I'm happy about, but in the end I had to sacrifice some detail to save time and stay on schedule.