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In my opinion, it's when art and business have a healthy and symbiotic relationship that projects turn out well. And a huge example of what can go horribly wrong when business dominates that relationship too hard can be seen in the Mass Effect series,the last two games in particular. But I've gone on about that stuff before in other posts, today's blog is all about Liara here.

For the uninitiated, the Mass Effect games allow you to pursue one or more romantic interests throughout the story. I didn't know this going in, and found my options fairly limited with my female avatar. (I had to pick the girl, she was voiced by Jennifer Hale for cryin' out loud.) The only party member who was up for girl/girl relations was this blue tentacled creature from another planet that, somehow, had an appearance that was overwhelmingly similar to an attractive Earth female. What were the odds! 

Liara had only a small part in the sequel, and since the game carried over saves from the original I was stuck with my female avatar. I found that none of the party members in ME2 were willing to totally lez out with me, so my character stayed single until Liara returned for the end of the trilogy. I have to say, the forced monogamy helped Liara become one of the more memorable love interests I've come across in any game ever. This little blue ball and chain will always be synonymous with the series to me.  



That black guy

I do wish there was a polygamous path that was difficult but not impossible since Liara if you try to romance both options in 1 is down got the option but the human person is turned off(Ashley with her xenophobia) /not interested in the idea (Kaidan is a monogamous type)


Ah, Liara. I liked her, but... NOT as much as the writers of the series seemed to, if that makes any sense? I preferred to ship my Femshep with Garrus, and my Man Shep always went for Tali.

alex baker

i am not a mass effect fan but she is hot


Given that BioWare is a local company where I am, and I know people who've done voices and computer stuff for those games, I should totally be more aware of their highest-selling stuff, but I have absolutely no idea about any of it, lol :). Very lovely girl, though. Bloobs are amazing. I love all the subtle little spots on her head, those positively GIGANTIC nipples, and that angle. Her pleading eyes and that nice shot of her darker blue labia (SO JUICY! WANT TO LICK!) are really well done.


I had a very similar experience and with all my free time at the time made a dude to pursue Miranda in the second game. Liara was def the way to go for lezzing out and I was disappointed you couldn't go for samara in the second game.


Oh? Having liara on your side in the second game was great with the shadow broker dlc fairly sure we hooked up then too


Ok, a few things. 1. I'm SO SORRY, i haven't posted in any of your updates and i feel bad for not doing so. 2. It is a known fact that Liara is best girl in the series, though Miranda is hot as fuck (ans o the other girls.) When i played for the first time the ME series i played with Male Shepard, but by the release of ME3 i decided to restart the games and play with the far better female version. Fun fact, some years ago i read that Bioware intended to make the female Shepard as the only playable character until they decided to go with both options. So, in a way, whoever picked the female versions played the canon version haha It is a shame the franchise came to what is now. Androme was a huge letdown, even though it has some interesting characters...

Lord Washington

I’ve always been partial to Tali myself.

WarSapphire (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-31 09:38:54 Awesome image of Liara with her legs spread wide like that, and the guy going anal on her. >:3 I mostly played through the series as a Male Shepard that either romanced and stayed faithful to Liara or went with Tali. I really enjoyed both their romances. I did import my female Shepard into ME2 once but, was sad to find out I couldn't romance Jack, even though considering her past and personality suggested she was at least bi. I'm not 100% sure but, I think I read or heard that at one point early on before ME2 came out that Miranda was supposed to be either a lesbian or bi character romance.
2018-05-30 09:30:14 Awesome image of Liara with her legs spread wide like that, and the guy going anal on her. >:3 I mostly played through the series as a Male Shepard that either romanced and stayed faithful to Liara or went with Tali. I really enjoyed both their romances. I did import my female Shepard into ME2 once but, was sad to find out I couldn't romance Jack, even though considering her past and personality suggested she was at least bi. I'm not 100% sure but, I think I read or heard that at one point early on before ME2 came out that Miranda was supposed to be either a lesbian or bi character romance.

Awesome image of Liara with her legs spread wide like that, and the guy going anal on her. >:3 I mostly played through the series as a Male Shepard that either romanced and stayed faithful to Liara or went with Tali. I really enjoyed both their romances. I did import my female Shepard into ME2 once but, was sad to find out I couldn't romance Jack, even though considering her past and personality suggested she was at least bi. I'm not 100% sure but, I think I read or heard that at one point early on before ME2 came out that Miranda was supposed to be either a lesbian or bi character romance.


Poor Kaidan lol. I never even saw what he was like in Mass Effect 3.


I think if I'd been inclined to pair my girl with any of the male characters it would have been Wrex, talk about a power couple lol. But he wasn't an option.


Right on I got some practice this week, as Parker is in a similar pose in the next TRW. :)


Yeah I agree. Personally I wasn't a big fan of Samara, but it's still strange that she wasn't even an option.


For sure, guess I wasn't thinking of the DLC so much as the main game of ME2.


Chalk Andromeda up to being another reason A is the worst thing to happen to the gaming industry if you ask me. And don't feel bad about not posting comments every time! :)


Wouldn't be surprised about Miranda, but I think it's crazy that Jack wasn't a female option. She practically had "will fuck anyone/thing" written on her forehead as far as her personality was concerned.


Ikr. Kelly even states that "she pushes people away yet approaches sex casually". Jack herself says that in the past she had sex with some girl and her boyfriend before they betrayed her. I feel like they were really setting Jack up to be the bi romance for ME2 but sadly changed it last minute.


Liara is best space wife. She went from an adorable shy nerd to a cold blooded killer...with blueberry nipples! She's absolutely my favorite, I love her so much! Hehe


Yay high five! I considered doing another playthrough of the series back in the day but Mass Effect 1 took me so long I said screw it. I hope we can see other Asari babes from you, Benezia is a certified MILF!