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This commission for Alex Baker is fully canonical. It takes place after Casey's first gangbang during the "Casey and Kal" series, but before the final chapter where she reconnects with Royce. Hope you like it! :)

Casey is a girl who gets invited to a lot of parties. She feels like she can barely walk down the street without some poor dope running up to her to talk about some "awesome place to be" on Saturday night. Sometimes she says yes and sometimes she says no, whether or not there will be free alcohol is often a factor in her decision.

But this particular gathering was different than the usual loud, boozy college parties she frequently ended up at. This one was classy, like the ones her mother would throw for people she worked with. Casey could feel the disapproval from the other guests the minute she walked in. She ignored them and quickly found her way to the bar.

It was fine at first, the wine was really good. But the nature of the interactions with the other guests began to get on her nerves.  People kept coming up and asking who invited her, as though seeking someone to blame. More than once one of these nasty old crones would walk up and just abruptly ask her how old she was, and then immediately walk away when she answered. Imagine how pissy they'd have been if she'd told them how young she really was, but she didn't want to give the bartender a reason to stop serving her. 

Casey was about ready to throw a drink in someone's face when she was finally approached by her host. He asked if she wanted to come upstairs and look at some of his paintings. She downed the rest of her drink in one gulp, knowing full well she wasn't going upstairs to look at any stupid paintings. But that was fine, she could use the release right about now. 

She got what she wanted. The host and two of his friends took turns fucking her for almost an hour. They kept asking her to keep her voice down, but she started caring about that less and less. She was mad. Mad at those snobby jerks downstairs for being so quick to judge her. 

When her lovers were physically spent, they were debating on how to get Casey outside without being seen by the other guests. Her dress was hopelessly stained, and even if they could scrounge her up a new one somehow that would be just as telling to anyone who saw her. 

That was when Casey got an idea. She kissed all three of them goodbye and walked out of the bedroom, just as she was. 

Cum was still dripping out of her pussy as she walked down the hall. When it became clear that she was not headed for a bathroom to try and clean up, her companions panicked. But it was too late. 

Casey walked down the stairs wearing a proud smile. As for the guests, the looks on their dumbfounded faces were priceless. Even Switch thought it was funny. Out of all the parties Casey had ever been to, this one had just become her favorite.




This is definitely up there on my list of favorite pictures you've drawn mate. I love the framing of it and the total lack of nudity combined with the liberal amount of semen. The way you framed it is simply lovely, as is Casey herself. Well done!

alex baker

i love the story you came up with for it it turned out much better than hoped, so HOT!

alex baker

and funny as HELL!


Haha, holy shit! Talk about a spray of cum :). SO MUCH OF IT! And for some reason, it looks even more taboo and adult because she's fully dressed (well, sort of). It takes the dirtiness of a girl getting bukkaked and makes it EVEN MORE LEWD. So good :). Love the fact that the cum is even on the steps.


I agree that the lack of nudity dos make this feel more perverse in a way. XD


Stunning! Instantly gone to one of my all time favourite pictures. Makes me realise how much I'm going to miss Casey from being a regular appearance in the comic. She looks hot as hell here, simply outstanding on all aspects, the attention to detail is fantastic, the cum on clothes look is great. And let's not forget that's one awesome dress she's wearing and the story just fits her so well. Did she borrow her mum's eye shadow ? Hmmm I wonder if her mum was as wild Casey in her youth or was she worse? :D

King of Hearts

Well, THAT was the hottest thing I read this week... :D


Casey, Bria and Sylvia are so hot. Would love to see a picture of those three, all knocked up by Royce ;)

alex baker

well we all know blondes in white are hot and we all know reinbach does it best ;)

Bob Fink

This is so totally Casey and just what the tight asses deserved! Good for Casey :D


Man he'd be in a world of trouble there lol. Bria's dad would kill him. XD


I guess now that I think of it, it is pretty rare to see her as the "good guy" in any given story. XD

alex baker

are we going to see bria's parents or casey reconcile with miles?


Miles and Casey will meet eventually in TRW, and expect to see Bria's father quite early on. I'll say no more!


I really have no idea where to start... I mean, i like EVERYTHING. That short story was awesome, and her -i don't care- attitude indeed was the highlight.


Hey sorry I missed this one! Here's what i would have said: Glad you liked it! :)