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Finally got it working! Thanks for waiting, and I hope you're not adverse to listening to me ramble about Final Fantasy for twenty minutes. But if that's the case you can just grab the sketch below! :)


Reintalk 31.mp4



Okay- who all saw the title and thought "Reinbach's drawing HIMSELF? I don't know if I'm ready for that..." :)? Agreed on FF7- the game is SUCH a product of its time. It's probably too simplistic and silly for today's audiences. It just seemed like the most bad-ass thing in the UNIVERSE at the time- Tifa's giant boobs (which are big spheres in retrospect), dudes with huge overcompensating swords, Barrett's swearing, etc. I grew up in the SNES/Genesis era, so this was an astonishing leap in size, graphics and "maturity". Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaated FF11. Mostly because I had to watch my roommate play it back before we could both be on the 'net at the same time. And it was basically watching a dude slowly jog for 2-3 hours at a time :). Lovely pic! I love her hair- it's so cute, feminine and '50s! I totally have a fetish for that kind of thing :).


Oh, and if you're looking for suggestions for future sketches, I'd suggest She-Hulk. Or maybe Red She-Hulk. Someone big, strong and funky-colored to make for an interesting sketch :). As always, I'd love more "behind-the-scenes/potential stories I never used" stuff for Switch. I always get such a kick out of reading the little things you dropped (like what "Back To Quiet" was originally going to be). Maybe not exclusively for this higher tier- it'd be a great read for everyone, I'd think!