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I wasn't done with the Avatar series just yet! My first pin up of 2018 will be either Korra or Asami from The Legend of Korra. If you're unfamiliar with the show, check out these links to see what you're getting into. :)




Avatar Juan

Why not both. (Spoilers for show below) Since they’re dating at the end of the series. How about a lesbian pic of Korra and Asami?


Can't promise anything this early, for now I'll wait and see how the vote plays out. :)


Asami is really the only right answer. But do both hahaha! Asami Korra needs some love!


Looks like I may have been wrong to pit these two against each other lol. XD


I'd love to see either of these ladies in your style, but Asami has so much more in common with "my type" it will be close though!


Real hard to decide between the two lovers on this one and it looks like it's a tie for now. Got slender and hot with Asami, toned and sexy with Korra. Either would be great to see win.


If there was ever a character in the universe devised for the way you've been drawing eyes lately, it's Asami and those gorgeous pools of green. Seriously, if she doesn't win, I riot :).


True dat. Though I didn't care for Korra's design in-series so much, she's practically built for smut-artists to work their magic with those abs, arms and her overall physicality. But Asami is SO BEAUTIFULLLLLLLLL...


Funny when I posted this I was afraid Korra would just get crushed, so how close this ended up being sure surprised me!