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When it comes to drawing women having orgasms, I really enjoy portraying it as though it hits them suddenly, like a truck. I especially like drawing them with a startled, far-off look in their eyes to show a moment where their minds go blank before the real pleasure hits. I think the last time I tried this was the kitchen scene with Casey and Royce. What do you guys think? Is it working for you? 



Bob Fink

Oh yeah, it’s working perfectly! That was one major orgasm, that rocked Bria to the core :D


It's funny, I've actually been writing orgasms like that a lot more lately. I find it to be a far sexier way to portray them. In comic form it looks fantastic!


Love it. And the subtle little squirt!


YES. YES IT IS WORKING. I LOVE watching the girls cumming in your work. Their "O Faces" are spectacular. I love how Bria's soaked Royce already, how Casey's just going demented with lust, and how Royce's insanely-giant boner is filling Casey up SO tightly! I just can't wait for Royce to give Bria the same plowing.


Bria looks soooo good on this page


Thanks! Panel two may be one of my favorite shots I've ever drawn of her.


Sure hope Bria didn't drown Royce when the dam broke just now lol, awesome page! I like how you made Bria's eyes go a bit wide to help with that startled far-off look before having her scream out in pleasure. You can tell from Casey's lip biting expression that she found the display very hot in that bottom panel.


Thanks! I'm glad the "startled orgasm" look is going over well. :)