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I guess I've been on an anime girl kick lately. Here we have Kaname Chidori from an old favorite of mine called Full Metal Panic. She's an archetype any anime fan will be familiar with: bright, cheery, and prone to sudden and vicious physical attacks on any unsuspecting male at the drop of a hat, ignited by any sexual advance no matter how slight or harmless it may be, real or imagined. A paranoid violent lunatic who should be locked in a padded room, not galavanting around having whimsical adventures without ardent police supervision.

Ok I kid, but if you've ever watched an anime you know what I'm talking about. But I think Kaname here did transcend her trope and manage to be likable, despite her penchant for unwarranted savagery towards helpless, cowering men. 

As for the show itself, personally I still love it. But like many of my old favorites it's hard to recommend to everyone. (In fact I think Cowboy Bebop is the only show I've seen that fits that bill.) FMP is more than a little on the cheesy side, even for when it was released. But I honestly think that's what they were going for on some level. The whole show has a very 80's action sort of feel, despite being released decades later. 

Seen the show? If not does this sound like something you've seen? If so let me know in the comments. :) 




I'm familiar with the show, but I never really got into it. Not because Chidori was a violent tsundere, but because IMO there were only so many ways they could make the joke of "Sosuke treats school like a war zone" last, and it stopped being funny for me. That said, you did a GREAT job here!


I don't often use this expression but that is one glorious ass! I don't know a thing about this anime but hot damn her booty is one of the best you've drawn!


Full Metal Panic was one of my favorite shows growing up. I admit its strange to see Kaname in such a compromising pose :P


God DAMN your ass-game is getting stronger and stronger, dude. That is the biggest, roundest ass I've ever seen you draw! Much appreciated! I've never seen the show, though it used to get mentioned a lot on TV Tropes back in the day, when there weren't any separate folders, so you ALWAYS had to see the "Anime & Manga" section first.


Hey thanks! Somehow I never got tired of Sosuke, but admittedly I watched this show when i was still relatively new to anime in general and had a lot more patience than I do now.


Right on! As I've said before I don't get a lot of butt practice, so i try to work it in when I can. :)


You know I actually thought a shy/embarrassed look would suit her character better here, but since I just drew that exact expression on Hermione last week I figured I'd make Kaname a bit more confident here.


For sure. I loved it but I'll be the first to admit the show is a product of it's time. Though I'd be thrilled if I heard they were doing another season.