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Elianna will be my first antagonist in the new comic. I don't want to make her snobby or evil just for the sake of being so. I'm going to do my best to still make her relatable, but her actions put her in conflict with the rest of the cast. 

Like Sylvia, Elianna is a natural leader. And she'll put those skills to work at every opportunity, even when there really isn't one and no one asked to be led. In fact, especially then. 

As class president, she takes pride in her school and only wants what's best for the students who attend. The problem is that what she considers best for everyone is often in stark contrast with what they actually want or would be willing to put up with. She maintains a fairly oppressive rule over her peers, and is always attempting to increase her sway with the teachers and faculty in any way she can. She's tried to seduce the school's principal, all of the male teachers and a few of the female ones, with no success. So far none of them have been dumb enough to have sex  with her, but it may be just a matter of time before one of them slips up and winds up in her pocket. 

What do you guys think? Anything I could add in to make her more interesting? As always let me know and I'd be happy to hear it. 




File says: Victoria. Original name?


Yep! Changed it at the last possible second. As I figured with her being a rich brunette, she was already a bit too much like Veronica Lodge without also having a name that started with "V".

alex baker

switch had such an interesting title that we are only now just understanding the meaning, what is the title of the new comic


Still working that out I'm afraid. I thought I had one locked down but I found out it was too similar to something else. I'll let you know as soon I'm certain.


An evil Student Council Queen? You are showing your anime fandom here, Reinbach :). People... who are CAPABLE of turning down sexual advances from another person? I'm deeply uncomfortable with this new wrinkle to Switch-verse canon! That long, fucking lustrous black hair, though? OH yeah. That's what I dig about your Elphaba drawings (well, that and the giant boobs), and it's lovely here, too. For extra stuff... maybe make her hair even BIGGER and more flowing? Like so that she has more of it than anyone in the comic? Maybe have her be the hugest "Bitch with a Capital C" in the school, but fall in love with a more innocent dorky guy, or get involved in a love triangle (ooh!- Elianna/Warren/Morgan Triangle!). Or have her actually fall in love with one of the teachers she's seducing (ESPECIALLY if it's a female one! Especially if she looks all nice and housewife-y and totally not the type!).


Funny I actually intended her to be more of a satire on the anime student council queen. One thing about those anime archetypes that always cracked me up was just how much power the staff would seem to relinquish to a student just because they were popular and got good grades etc. In some shows it's like the council president runs the damn school, and principals are never even shown. With Elianna I like the idea of her THINKING she should have that kind of power, but she's always being shot down, kicked out of faculty meetings she attempts to crash, and the teachers go so far as to put up flyers around the school reminding students that she has no real authority and if she tries to send you to detention you don't have to actually go.


Oddly enough when I first saw her, I thought she looked similar to Mandy from “totally spies”. I like how her head is held up high with that expression on her face. Makes it seems like she’s not only savoring the moment but is in control with how it’ll progress. Elianna seems like she’ll be an interesting character, especially if she believes she has all this power as class president (even if she really doesn’t). I feel like she could use a super busty friend like Mari has Meiko from Prison School <a href="https://www.animuk.co.uk/images/watermarked/1/detailed/9/Prison_School_-_CharaPos_Bathroom_Poster_02.jpg?t=1454249039" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.animuk.co.uk/images/watermarked/1/detailed/9/Prison_School_-_CharaPos_Bathroom_Poster_02.jpg?t=1454249039</a> who will stroke her ego into always believing she has a lot of authority at school and that she always makes the right choices for everyone, even if they’re too blind to realize it just yet.


First of all: love her look. Sleek bod with that Betty Paige hair. Love it. Second: it strains believability that no one has fallen for that pussy. Like, bizarro-world stuff there.


Lol well it's only her teachers that have resisted, and even then it's only because they know she'd immediately use it as leverage and/or blackmail to get more of what she wants at school. XD

alex baker

are we going to see anymore of trish , mary and abbey


We sure are! Expect them to return in the comic before it ends. :)