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For record, I'd never dream of reusing art to this degree if it had been the sole update for the week. But as an add-on page I think it works fine. I had a lot of fun making subtle tweaks to Royce's body language from the original, plus I love the idea that even after such a dramatic encounter with Casey, he would go back to being stumped right where we found him hours earlier in the night. 

Meanwhile, what the hell is Bria doing showing up uninvited after midnight? How does she even know where he lives? It will be explained next week I promise. 




5 bucks says threesome


Welp, its looking like they're gonna have sex. I remember when you did that Royce profile you said this would never happen. I guess things change


I can tell you right now that this plot didn't end up even close to what I initially planned back then. If I'd gone with my first draft Casey would have non-fatally stabbed Royce and burned her mother's house down by this point in the story. So yes things change indeed.


Oh boy oh boy oh boy I LIKE where this is going!


oh god oh god oh god oh GAWD- Bria AND Casey. She's gonna wake up and they're gonna... *dies from pre-cum*


maybe casey is awake, and thought: "you dont want to have sex with me right now? np! ill booty call bria, shes going to have sex with me, and you are doomed to watch, at first :P!" but hey, who knows! maybe shes only there to help him with his writing, totally innocent? xD

Bob Fink

Did she follow Casey to Royce's house? From the look of how she's dressed I'm betting she's nude under the coat and has sex on her mind with or without Casey joining in :D


Is that a Throw Momma From the Train reference? If so, AWESOME!


Looks like tonight isn't the night for Royce to try writing, at least the knock wasn't as loud as when Casey banged on it. Bria @.@? I would have expected Synthiria for a random late night visit but, this looks like it could be very promising. The real questions are, what is Bria wearing under that coat? She could either be naked or wearing something real sexy and revealing, maybe even some toys attached or inside her >:3. What is she doing at Royce's place so late? She either knows Casey is more then likely there and wants to check up on her or she came specifically for Royce. Bria may have even already had some public late night fun and that's why she's wearing the coat.


This will not end well for anyone. Casey will feel betrayed by the two people she trusts must. I'm all for taking a run and both of them and the same time, but I can't imagine Casey in her delicate state of mind NOT having some issue with Bria showing up like this if Bria wants some sexy time with Royce.


Don't worry I wouldn't pull something that dark right here at the end. I hope you like how things turn out next week, :)


I don't want to blow anything now but it'll all be made clear on Thursday. :)