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This month's sketch for Mystery Street, and I confess I know nothing about the character. Since she wears orange in a group of color-coded heroes, American law dictates that she be a fun loving party dude. But considering her Japanese origin anything goes. Care to tell me about her if you know?



Bob Fink

Very well done, the sailor group are all very sexy and I don't think you could go wrong with any of them.


Nice pic! Nah, don't know anything about the Sailors or the Super Sentai...my anime journey began elsewhere.


Minako is actually biracial! She's half-Japanese and half-British. Of the five Senshi, she activated her powers first and spent time fighting monsters in England prior to joining the team. Personality-wise, She's caring, but a bit of a goof.

ScuzzBucket (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-31 09:51:31 (Warning- my description is a bit long): -Sailor Venus was the toughest "fit" into the Sailor Moon cast, and took the longest to be normalized. Problematically, she started life as "Sailor V", from a manga of the same name, by the same creator- Naoko Takeuchi essentially had a pretty popular little deal with Sailor V, and took the entire concept and shifted it a bit (mineral-themed villains, a talking cat sidekick, called attacks, etc.) for Sailor Moon, which ended up as a sequel. And so with Sailor V joining THAT cast... suddenly we had two characters with more or less the same personality, as Moon was essentially the same kind of character as V- a giddy, crush-having schoolgirl. They even had the same family- a group based off of Naoko's own! -This heavily contrasts the manga, in which Venus was the actual straight-up LEADER of the Sailor Senshi, packing a dangerous sword and probably being the best overall fighter. "Serious Venus" was around for quite some time, as the others had been around for so long and had so much time to develop their relationships, so there was less time for her. Sailor Venus- The Final Inner Senshi: -This was made worse by the timing- Sailor Venus actually didn't make her debut until Episode #33, and the first season only lasted thirteen more episodes! Up until that point, Sailor V was just some silly thing the girls were all obsessed with, with episodes featuring her arcade games, her upcoming movie, etc. And right after she debuts is when Zoisite is killed, Sailor Moon is revealed to be the Moon Princess, and Mamoru/Endymion is kidnapped and brainwashed! There's STUFF going on! And so her characterization kind of has to fall by the wayside. -This left Sailor Venus (as she was renamed) in a tough spot- the anime creators either had her as the most serious, mature Sailor, or the silliest- she's a bit normal in her civilian form, but in the "Countess Trains Girls To Be Princesses" episode, she's dancing with her partner as if she was a kindergartener, pumping her arms with her eyes closed! And the later seasons seem to kind of blow poor Minako off- in a few Sailor Moon R episodes, she's actually stuck SHARING Focus Episodes with Sailor Jupiter- one of them shows the two like they've paired off as a regular duo, arguing over some silly thing like friends do. Her Past Explained: -The Original Dub was extremely weird with her, too- the whole Sailor V/Sailor Venus thing is literally NEVER EXPLAINED, and she just pops up one day as Sailor Venus, despite numerous episodes having featured Sailor V stuff heavily. Things were made worse by her biggest, big-time Focus Episode being left out of the airing, as it deals with her "Sailor V" past. Minako's old friend Katarina (who's hooked up with Minako's old crush, Allan, from back when they all lived in England...) arrives under the sway of Kunzite, and becomes the monster Papillon (Butterfly) in order to kill Minako. Usagi helps out (magically able to pilot boats when her Disguise Pen transforms her into an ACTUAL Sailor), and soon we get the backstory- Minako & Katarina were partners, fighting crime and Monsters in England back when Minako was just Sailor V. Minako was in love with Allan, but when she found out that Allan & Katarina were in love, she allowed them to believe that she was killed in a blast. Sailor Moon thinks Venus should be SUPER-bitter and hate them, but the more-mature Venus insists she's not EVIL or anything, and convinces Sailor Moon to use the Healing Activation to cure Katarina of the Dark Kingdom's brainwashing. The final summation: Venus is the most-mature of the Sailors. Well, THAT'd go away once she became the "Idol singer-obsessed" one of the bunch. This one was a nice showcasing of the old Sailor V manga. But it's REALLY weird that this "Allan" guy was the key to much of the backstory, but didn't even actually APPEAR- he was just in the flashbacks! Venus Becomes Set In Stone: -Eventually, the writers would give up on her "maturity" and just turn her into the wackiest, goofballiest, Idol-obsessed Sailor. This was pretty much finalized in the episode where she begins taking care of the other girls, who've all come down with colds. "Nurse Venus" begins taking care of them in increasingly-horrible ways, eventually driving Mercury, Mars & Jupiter crazy with her incompetent care (Mars is fed a soup full of salt, then has music blared at her at maximum volume). This goofy version of Venus seems to be the "iconic" one, as Venus Fans almost always cite it as their favorite episode. It's a bit odd to see the "Weird, Idol-Obsessed One" in a show where SAILOR MOON is the main character, but that was always kind of my issue with the character- I could never figure out Venus Fans, because to me, it was like cheering on the one character who was basically like the main character, but moreso.
2017-07-07 19:09:25 (Warning- my description is a bit long): -Sailor Venus was the toughest "fit" into the Sailor Moon cast, and took the longest to be normalized. Problematically, she started life as "Sailor V", from a manga of the same name, by the same creator- Naoko Takeuchi essentially had a pretty popular little deal with Sailor V, and took the entire concept and shifted it a bit (mineral-themed villains, a talking cat sidekick, called attacks, etc.) for Sailor Moon, which ended up as a sequel. And so with Sailor V joining THAT cast... suddenly we had two characters with more or less the same personality, as Moon was essentially the same kind of character as V- a giddy, crush-having schoolgirl. They even had the same family- a group based off of Naoko's own! -This heavily contrasts the manga, in which Venus was the actual straight-up LEADER of the Sailor Senshi, packing a dangerous sword and probably being the best overall fighter. "Serious Venus" was around for quite some time, as the others had been around for so long and had so much time to develop their relationships, so there was less time for her. Sailor Venus- The Final Inner Senshi: -This was made worse by the timing- Sailor Venus actually didn't make her debut until Episode #33, and the first season only lasted thirteen more episodes! Up until that point, Sailor V was just some silly thing the girls were all obsessed with, with episodes featuring her arcade games, her upcoming movie, etc. And right after she debuts is when Zoisite is killed, Sailor Moon is revealed to be the Moon Princess, and Mamoru/Endymion is kidnapped and brainwashed! There's STUFF going on! And so her characterization kind of has to fall by the wayside. -This left Sailor Venus (as she was renamed) in a tough spot- the anime creators either had her as the most serious, mature Sailor, or the silliest- she's a bit normal in her civilian form, but in the "Countess Trains Girls To Be Princesses" episode, she's dancing with her partner as if she was a kindergartener, pumping her arms with her eyes closed! And the later seasons seem to kind of blow poor Minako off- in a few Sailor Moon R episodes, she's actually stuck SHARING Focus Episodes with Sailor Jupiter- one of them shows the two like they've paired off as a regular duo, arguing over some silly thing like friends do. Her Past Explained: -The Original Dub was extremely weird with her, too- the whole Sailor V/Sailor Venus thing is literally NEVER EXPLAINED, and she just pops up one day as Sailor Venus, despite numerous episodes having featured Sailor V stuff heavily. Things were made worse by her biggest, big-time Focus Episode being left out of the airing, as it deals with her "Sailor V" past. Minako's old friend Katarina (who's hooked up with Minako's old crush, Allan, from back when they all lived in England...) arrives under the sway of Kunzite, and becomes the monster Papillon (Butterfly) in order to kill Minako. Usagi helps out (magically able to pilot boats when her Disguise Pen transforms her into an ACTUAL Sailor), and soon we get the backstory- Minako & Katarina were partners, fighting crime and Monsters in England back when Minako was just Sailor V. Minako was in love with Allan, but when she found out that Allan & Katarina were in love, she allowed them to believe that she was killed in a blast. Sailor Moon thinks Venus should be SUPER-bitter and hate them, but the more-mature Venus insists she's not EVIL or anything, and convinces Sailor Moon to use the Healing Activation to cure Katarina of the Dark Kingdom's brainwashing. The final summation: Venus is the most-mature of the Sailors. Well, THAT'd go away once she became the "Idol singer-obsessed" one of the bunch. This one was a nice showcasing of the old Sailor V manga. But it's REALLY weird that this "Allan" guy was the key to much of the backstory, but didn't even actually APPEAR- he was just in the flashbacks! Venus Becomes Set In Stone: -Eventually, the writers would give up on her "maturity" and just turn her into the wackiest, goofballiest, Idol-obsessed Sailor. This was pretty much finalized in the episode where she begins taking care of the other girls, who've all come down with colds. "Nurse Venus" begins taking care of them in increasingly-horrible ways, eventually driving Mercury, Mars & Jupiter crazy with her incompetent care (Mars is fed a soup full of salt, then has music blared at her at maximum volume). This goofy version of Venus seems to be the "iconic" one, as Venus Fans almost always cite it as their favorite episode. It's a bit odd to see the "Weird, Idol-Obsessed One" in a show where SAILOR MOON is the main character, but that was always kind of my issue with the character- I could never figure out Venus Fans, because to me, it was like cheering on the one character who was basically like the main character, but moreso.

(Warning- my description is a bit long): -Sailor Venus was the toughest "fit" into the Sailor Moon cast, and took the longest to be normalized. Problematically, she started life as "Sailor V", from a manga of the same name, by the same creator- Naoko Takeuchi essentially had a pretty popular little deal with Sailor V, and took the entire concept and shifted it a bit (mineral-themed villains, a talking cat sidekick, called attacks, etc.) for Sailor Moon, which ended up as a sequel. And so with Sailor V joining THAT cast... suddenly we had two characters with more or less the same personality, as Moon was essentially the same kind of character as V- a giddy, crush-having schoolgirl. They even had the same family- a group based off of Naoko's own! -This heavily contrasts the manga, in which Venus was the actual straight-up LEADER of the Sailor Senshi, packing a dangerous sword and probably being the best overall fighter. "Serious Venus" was around for quite some time, as the others had been around for so long and had so much time to develop their relationships, so there was less time for her. Sailor Venus- The Final Inner Senshi: -This was made worse by the timing- Sailor Venus actually didn't make her debut until Episode #33, and the first season only lasted thirteen more episodes! Up until that point, Sailor V was just some silly thing the girls were all obsessed with, with episodes featuring her arcade games, her upcoming movie, etc. And right after she debuts is when Zoisite is killed, Sailor Moon is revealed to be the Moon Princess, and Mamoru/Endymion is kidnapped and brainwashed! There's STUFF going on! And so her characterization kind of has to fall by the wayside. -This left Sailor Venus (as she was renamed) in a tough spot- the anime creators either had her as the most serious, mature Sailor, or the silliest- she's a bit normal in her civilian form, but in the "Countess Trains Girls To Be Princesses" episode, she's dancing with her partner as if she was a kindergartener, pumping her arms with her eyes closed! And the later seasons seem to kind of blow poor Minako off- in a few Sailor Moon R episodes, she's actually stuck SHARING Focus Episodes with Sailor Jupiter- one of them shows the two like they've paired off as a regular duo, arguing over some silly thing like friends do. Her Past Explained: -The Original Dub was extremely weird with her, too- the whole Sailor V/Sailor Venus thing is literally NEVER EXPLAINED, and she just pops up one day as Sailor Venus, despite numerous episodes having featured Sailor V stuff heavily. Things were made worse by her biggest, big-time Focus Episode being left out of the airing, as it deals with her "Sailor V" past. Minako's old friend Katarina (who's hooked up with Minako's old crush, Allan, from back when they all lived in England...) arrives under the sway of Kunzite, and becomes the monster Papillon (Butterfly) in order to kill Minako. Usagi helps out (magically able to pilot boats when her Disguise Pen transforms her into an ACTUAL Sailor), and soon we get the backstory- Minako & Katarina were partners, fighting crime and Monsters in England back when Minako was just Sailor V. Minako was in love with Allan, but when she found out that Allan & Katarina were in love, she allowed them to believe that she was killed in a blast. Sailor Moon thinks Venus should be SUPER-bitter and hate them, but the more-mature Venus insists she's not EVIL or anything, and convinces Sailor Moon to use the Healing Activation to cure Katarina of the Dark Kingdom's brainwashing. The final summation: Venus is the most-mature of the Sailors. Well, THAT'd go away once she became the "Idol singer-obsessed" one of the bunch. This one was a nice showcasing of the old Sailor V manga. But it's REALLY weird that this "Allan" guy was the key to much of the backstory, but didn't even actually APPEAR- he was just in the flashbacks! Venus Becomes Set In Stone: -Eventually, the writers would give up on her "maturity" and just turn her into the wackiest, goofballiest, Idol-obsessed Sailor. This was pretty much finalized in the episode where she begins taking care of the other girls, who've all come down with colds. "Nurse Venus" begins taking care of them in increasingly-horrible ways, eventually driving Mercury, Mars & Jupiter crazy with her incompetent care (Mars is fed a soup full of salt, then has music blared at her at maximum volume). This goofy version of Venus seems to be the "iconic" one, as Venus Fans almost always cite it as their favorite episode. It's a bit odd to see the "Weird, Idol-Obsessed One" in a show where SAILOR MOON is the main character, but that was always kind of my issue with the character- I could never figure out Venus Fans, because to me, it was like cheering on the one character who was basically like the main character, but moreso.


Same! I call myself an anime fan and yet I've never really watched Sailor Moon or Dragonball Z. For shame.


Haha, yes- I warned you :). I statted up all the characters for the same RPG thread I can get most of my insanely wordy Character Histories from! This is actually the SHORTEST of the Sailor Bios I posted :).


Haha I actually had an idea for Sailor Mars to be putting on a strap-on, looking at the "viewer" and going "Bend over, idiot. We're trying something". She's a bossy sort :).

King of Hearts

Wow, those are some huge, really good, really in-depth responses. The way it was described to me by my fiance was that Sailor Venus is very similar to Sailor Moon for two big reasons, 1) That Venus was always considered Earth's sister planet, so the characters are more alike than any of the others. And 2) A bit of a bait-and-switch, in that the viewer/reader/whatever was supposed to think that Venus was the main HERO, but that Sailor Moon was the main CHARACTER because she's such a clumsy goofball and such, so the intended audience (generally NOT real-life superheroines) was supposed to relate to her more. But then it's revealed that Sailor Moon really IS the princess, and everyone's taken by surprise, including the audience: again, the old bait-and-switch. I'm also told that Sailor Venus is so similar that she's actually a back-up, too, in case Sailor Moon fails? I might be misunderstanding that, though? I liked the franchise growing up, but again, my fiance is way more knowledgeable than me about it, so I could be misconstruing some things.


Hey it makes sense to hear that they'd be connected like that. As I was drawing her I couldn't help but notice how similar she looks to Sailor Moon.

King of Hearts

Yeah, I felt the same way back when she told me. It seems so obvious now that I know it.