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Been playing the new Injustice game in my rare free time lately as I'm struggling to catch up on my workload after being sick all month, and it's put me on a bit of a DC Universe kick. So I thought I'd draw my favorite character from it!  As it happens she's the only player I can seem to win with in the game, which suits me fine.  (Though I'll admit it stings that I get my ass kicked when I try to play as Batman.)

This character actually had quite an impact on the early stages of my hentai art career.  When I first started taking paid commissions, there was a stretch where I got hired to draw Harley at least once a month, each time by a different client.  And it worked out fine because she has so many different looks and costumes that drawing her over and over never got stale.  Here I tried the style from the Suicide Squad live action movie.  For the record I wasn't actually trying to make her look like Margot Robbie here, as I don't care for drawing real people in sex acts, but I'll be damned if it didn't turn out looking like her anyway. So it goes! 

As for the movie that her look is based on, I know it's a very divisive film for sure. I'm no movie critic so I won't shout off all my opinions here, but I will say this: if there is one thing that is better about the DC movies than their Marvel rivals, it's that at least the DC movies aren't allergic to sex appeal.  Compare all the Harley ass-shots and the half-naked antagonist in Suicide Squad to the nearly full body suits worn by Black Widow and Scarlet Witch in the Avengers movies.  To me it's an indisputable fact that the sexual objectification of women is a proud and long-standing staple of comic books as an industry, and the movies shouldn't shy away from that. 

But what do you think?  What's your favorite Harley?  What do you think of the recent versions of her? Let me know! :D





My favourite Harley look, up untill now, is actually the Injustice 2 one. It's a perfect combination of various styles in one. And it suits her just fine! Also I love her interactions with Black Canary!


Those are entertaining for sure! I like her look in the game too, despite how many dopey looking hats keep dropping as gear for her in multiverse mode lol. And Tara Strong's impression of the original actress is uncanny as always.

Bryan Allen

Which system do you have?


There's actually a TON of Fanservice in those Marvel movies... the trick is, it's all shirtless, 'roided-up MEN. Since dudes will see superhero movies regardless, they throw in those shirtless scenes to ensure a FEMALE audience :).


Hey, Harley's been my most played character as well. The Injustice 2 version of her is great because see has a large variety of looks because of all the different armor. Would the dude she's with happen to be Deadshot?


Makes sense now that you mention it, never thought of it that way.


Yep! I know I didn't show any indication in the pic itself but I had that scene from Assault on Arkham in mind when I made this one.

Bob Fink

This so happens to be one of my favorites of Harley, though I doubt DC will ever put her in this position in any of their comic's or movies, so thank you for bringing fantasy to life so to speak :D


I think Harley's costume from the Batman Animated series will always be my favorite though, I really do like how she looks in Injustice 2 and how you can spice up her outfit from rewards. Awesome image of her btw, her expression as she looks into the guys eyes is perfect! I've mostly been focusing on trying to get real good with Wonder Woman. There is a special event in the multiverse to get her armor from the recent WW movie that's about to come out.


Hey that's pretty cool, especially because the in game model of Wonder Woman this time around looks so much better than she did in the original. I'm still trying to finish up gear sets for Harley, but this is where I really hate the random loot box system. Nothing worse than playing for hours only to earn epic pants for Aquaman.


For me it doesnt matter if its DC or Marvel, use sex/fanservice if it makes sense for the character and the moment at hand. I hate it when its painfully obvious they wrote moments like that in just for the sake of it, you can do it just dont make it painfully obvious you wrote it in for that reason alone. Harley bending over to steal shit in those hotpants or Captain America holding the helicopter while shirtless are probably my two big examples of both studios not even trying to make it subtle. While I can agree sexual objectification is something traditional in comics I cant say I agree with it being something we should throw around for the sake of it. Do it when it makes sense, be smart and creative with it instead of dumbing down the scene. But thats just my take on it, if thats what sells I cant blame studios for making more of it. Its a business afterall.


Oh for sure, as always in story telling subtlety and restraint are important. For example I think Wonder Woman's movie costume looks perfectly sexy without overdoing it.