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Now that we're coming up on the finale I'm finding I have less and less to write about in this space lately.  Not that I don't enjoy talking about my work, ask anyone I know and they'll assure you I can do just that all damn day if no one stops me.  I guess I'm just coming across more pages that I hope speak for themselves.  Hope you guys like this one! :)




D'aww, poor sad Sylvia looks like she misses Miles. Or Royce. Or is just sad. Now I just want to comfort her... or is it bury my face in her boobs? I never can tell with her. I gotta say, for a girl who was never my favorite Switch character, Sylvia is AMAZING in this bit- I've never found her hotter than I have here. It's like... her boobs were always a bit TOO exaggerated for me, and I felt they didn't jibe well with her hairstyle... but all of a sudden she looks super-hot, and I just want to see more and more of her. I wonder if it's that outfit? I don't normally go for "naughty lingerie" (I'm more of a "take it ALL off!" kinda guy when it comes to porn) but it's a great, GREAT outfit. Now I want her to just smoosh someone with those udders, or pound the shit out of Bria with a strap-on. Among other things. This is just great stuff with her lately.


Huh, you're really fond of the straight back, boobs out sitting/standing position for Casey and Sylvia. I dunno why i just noticed but it pops up a lot with those two and I kind of dig it as a character and familial trait. I dunno if it was intentional or not but either way it's a fun detail.

Bob Fink

Very well written page and if Miles only knew what Casey and Sylvia have been up to it would blow his mind :D. It also looks as if they may still have feelings for each other in their own disjointed way :)


This is one of my favorite pages in the whole comic. You get everything from debauchery (implied) to tenderness and from an unexpected source. You earned this page, man.

William Hodges

XD Yeah, she would have definitely handled a completely hypothetical, never would happen in a million years situation like that better ;) . Really like how this story has turned out.

Lord Washington

i actually like how the father is the less crazy parent. in the beginning I was expecting him to be the crazier one.


Glad you like his level-headed nature! I thought it fitting that there would be a common thread between the two men she's married. :)


Thank you! Sylvia's role in the story is nearly done, and I wanted her to go out on a positive note. :)


It wasn't intentional in a familial sense I can say that much. It's just a pose that shows confidence and shows off tits. It's win/win and it fits the personality of both women so I lean on it here and there.


Awesome! Her role in the comic is nearly finished so I'm glad she's going out on a high note for you. :)


I can totally see how he is Casey's dad, the same expressions and I know it sounds weird, but the same facial structure a little, I don't know how else to explain it but you made it look like a proper family image. Like when you see a family in the street and can tell the kids to their parents in a way. I find that just amazing how you did it. Congrats!


Hey thanks for noticing! I did my best to make him look like her while still trying to be subtle about it.


Aww *hugs*